Is your YDNA test data complete and up to date?

+9 votes
In reviewing the Campbell YDNA tests in WikiTree I see test with incomplete information. Missing test kit number, numbers of markers tested and/or haplogroup. Then there are some tests that have not been updated with their newest test info. For instance some have taken a Big Y test but still list their old haplogroup and number of makers tested. Can you take a look and update the info where necessary? Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
in WikiTree Help by Kevin Guy Campbell G2G6 Mach 1 (11.4k points)

4 Answers

+5 votes
Hello Kevin, I thought completed all a few days ago. If not please let me know. Thanks!
by Donald Campbell G2G Crew (350 points)
Looks good!
+6 votes
I want to have my Dad do a Y dna test.  The Big Y seems really expensive through FTDNA.  Is it really that much better?  If not. What is a good Y dna test?  I’ve been researching but I’m not sure what test I should have him do.  

Thanks for any advice!

by Nanette Rohrbaugh G2G6 Mach 4 (46.2k points)

Big Y is very much worth the price, either in the short run or long run depending on what's happening with your particular surname project (which you will want to join as soon as you (your father, that is) have taken a Y-DNA test).  At only about 4 times the cost of the least expensive Y test, Big Y provides about 20 times the number of STR marker results, and more importantly, measures all of the genealogically relevant SNP markers, which are by far the more important markers for extended genealogically relevant comparisons.  The more potentially-related men with your surname who take the Big Y test, the more useful the results become in determining the exact relationships between these men.

Thank you for the information!  It’s so hard to get good information online.  My dad is the last male in his line so I feel it’s important to get a Y test.
+4 votes
Dad’s is completed!
by Jana Tubbs G2G Crew (590 points)
+3 votes
I thought a good reason to order the Big-Y was that I only have a daughter.  In the future, if she wanted that DNA data, she would need to get a son of one of my father's brothers to take the test.  My father and his brothers are all gone.  This reasoning made the decision simple for me.  Waiting for for test kit to arrive.
by Paul Campbell G2G6 Mach 1 (12.1k points)
Looking forward to your resuts. Love to have you join the [[Space:Campbell_DNA_Group_Project|Campbell DNA Group Project]] here at WikiTree in addition to the Campbell project at FTDNA.

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