Here's the Finalized Plan & Voting for Civil Decorations Categories [closed]

+13 votes

This post is the final proposal (step 4) for a proposal concerning the Civil Decorations categories. The proposal has two parts:

  • That the categories for Civil Decorations are contained in a separate category stream to the Military Decorations category stream,
  • That a naming standard is established for individual Civil Decoration categories.

Full details of the proposal are on the proposal page.

See also, the review post, and proposal post.

Please vote by upvoting one of the answers below.

Thanks for reading.

Margaret Haining, Project Coordinator, Categorization Project.

closed with the note: Moved to implementation,
in The Tree House by Margaret Haining G2G6 Pilot (163k points)
closed by Margaret Haining
Thanks for your input and that of all the British Isles and Ireland Discussion members whilst formulating this much needed structure change.
Very much seconded! The British Isles and Ireland categories are difficult so say the least, so thank you for your engagement with the British Isles and Ireland group Margaret
Thanks David & Jo, it's been a pleasure collaborating with the B I & I category group.

2 Answers

+20 votes

Yes! I agree with this structure.

by Margaret Haining G2G6 Pilot (163k points)
Nice work, Margaret!

Thanks Nat, and for all your help too (are you burning the midnight oil??) surprise

+3 votes

No! I do not agree with this structure (please list your concerns as a comment).

by Margaret Haining G2G6 Pilot (163k points)

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