More translation and interpretation help: 18th century professions (Württemberg)

+8 votes
I thought I knew German reasonably well, but a couple of records from 1788 have left me reeling. I don't know if this is an idiosyncrasy of the recorder, but I find the following:

"Weber" - weaver (OK, I get that)

"Webermeister" - master weaver (also OK, I think)

"Meister des Weberhandwerks" = "Webermeister" ?

"des Weberhandwerks" ??? (omission or subtly different from "Weber"?)
in The Tree House by Gus Gassmann G2G6 Mach 6 (67.1k points)

3 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer

Weberhandwerk would be Weaver handicraft or weaver trade. It is a more formal description of the profession and induces a formal qualification. Webermeister could potentially be the same or referring to a highly skilled weaver as well; it would depend on the context and time when the term was used, I guess.

by Sven Elbert G2G6 Pilot (111k points)
selected by Gus Gassmann

I found "des Weberhandwerks" and "Webermeister" in two marriage records, one week apart in 1788 in Grossglattbach, a village in the deanery of Mühlacker, close to Maulbronn monastery. Maybe just the recorder trying to mix things up, I guess...

+6 votes

I think "weaver" and "master weaver" are the correct translations for this profession in the 18th century.

"Meister des Weberhandwerks" was probably added in a bloomy description in a family history. smiley

by Michael Ruoff G2G6 (7.6k points)

Nope. All of these designations are from the church records. But I agree that some recorders are more wordy and "bloomy" than others. smiley

+3 votes
HGey Gus,
I have some ancestors with similiar professions and did some research on it. In my humble oppinion the title "Meister des Weberhandwerks" either indicates that the person is officially competent and allowed to have apprentices, or that he might be the head of the local weaver "Zunft".


by P.s Sulz G2G1 (1.9k points)

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