Is there someone willing to help me sort out the Susannah Martins? There is so much conflicting information I'm not sure which is correct. I suspect that one of them could be a gg grand)
William R Martin?? 1760 - 1832 Marries Susannah Tudor Martin 1764 Boston, Mass -1860 Knott Floyd Kentucky. Father Esquire John Tudor 1735-1790.
Susanna Lea England 1737 Married William Martin 1750-1775 which I question because the age difference. (Was a suggested hint in Thru lines and I seem to have several dna connections to the Englands.) Father William Anderson England. 1710 Goochland VA -1768 Goochland VA
Which Susannah married Elijah Johnson 1790- 1865 and which one married Patrick Johnson 1793 VA 1873 Kentucky??? I believe people have confused them. Elijah son of Archelaus and Mary Hutchins Johnson . Some have Anna Martin as Patricks wife, Some have Susannah Martin but dates don't match up.
I gone over and over the records and I'm just totally confused. There are several Eli Johnsons in Floyd Co during the period and I think people are confusing them. I started a spreadsheet to try to sort them only to confuse myself more. I'm searching (forever) for the parents of Daniel Johnson born in 1812 Kentucky or Indiana died in 1857in Rockport, Mo. People have attached him to several families without any documentation. Why would all the other children be mentioned in records and not him?
I have many matches to Strangeman Johnson 1772-1851 son of Ashley Johnson 1747-1823 and Lydia Hutchins. Especially William S Johnson 1815-1880.
Someone please help straighten out this mess.