Hurtful and offensive.

+3 votes
in Genealogy Help by Christopher Tinnerella G2G Crew (640 points)
I'm not following either.

3 Answers

+21 votes
Best answer

 I got the same but for profiles I manage.

 It's Wikitree's way of calling attention to tools that report error messages about problems with profiles, and included an invite to help cleanup profiles tree wide, so it's not directed at you or your efforts as an individual.

 On this occasion it was for profiles added by gedcom import with problems, I had about 88.

 I've fixed some and have more to fix.

 It's easy to make mistakes on Wikitree, I've made a lot. Wikitree's complicated, help is often unclear and one click or typo can generate an error report.

 Somewhere on Wikitree I've seen the message "Don't be afraid to make mistakes"

 The message we all got wasn't to say we made mistakes, but telling us where to find a report about profiles we manage with problems, some of my profiles I adopted complete with errors I didn't spot.

 Your list of errors might be empty, otherwise check the profiles listed and try and spot what's wrong, if not ask what's wrong on G2G.

 I've never seen this stated on Wikitree, but it operates on the principles of continuous quality improvement, and that requires identifying mistakes and fixing them.

 Wikitree is a steep learning curve, 6 or so years in I'm still learning, fixing mistakes and improving profiles with info I didn't have earlier (and still making mistakes). Also Wikitree changes it's policies from time to time resulting in error reports on profiles that were compliant when created.
by Gary Burgess G2G6 Pilot (156k points)
selected by Leif Biberg Kristensen
+9 votes
Hi, Christopher (or Joseph?) --

Can you tell us more about what is hurtful? I think there may have been a misunderstanding.


by Julie Ricketts G2G6 Pilot (523k points)

P.S. I wanted to make sure you know that each person's newsletter is personalized. Here's mine:

Julie, might I suggest perhaps an Accessibility Angel get in touch with Christopher.

Thanks Melanie.

At least as of now, the WikiTree Plus links for watchlist or Tinnerella with GEDCOM junk that were in the email to Christopher both return zero results. Maybe if this is repeated in future weekly emails, it would be better or more tactful to add inverted commas and further text: something like

profile that's been touched by a human hand. Check for GEDCOM-created profiles on your Watchlist, or Tinnerella profiles with GEDCOM "junk"If those links show no issues, maybe you'd like to join our tree-wide clean-up

+10 votes
This is a generic message, not meant to be hurtful at all, and certainly not offensive. Back in the early days of WikiTree GEDCOM imports could be done en masse. That resulted in a lot of ugly profiles, many of which still exist like that. So if you see one of those, they need to be cleaned up (if you have the time and resources).
by Rob Neff G2G6 Pilot (156k points)

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