Comments on Frances Slocum

+5 votes

On 10 Feb 2020 Gillian Thomas wrote on Slocum-386:

I removed the project protection to be able to merge this profile. If you think she needs to be project protected again please discuss with a relevant project. Thanks, Gillian

WikiTree profile: Maconaquah Slocum
in Genealogy Help by Mark Hough G2G6 Mach 3 (30.9k points)
retagged by Maggie N.

2 Answers

+8 votes
I also think she needs to be designated a protected profile as she is a historic figure. Though genetically not Native American she was accepted and lived as one, respected and well known among those she lived with. If there is a reason she is not (protected), I would be curious to understand why not.
by Mark Hough G2G6 Mach 3 (30.9k points)

Mark, project protection requires the profile meet all of the following criteria:

1. They must fit within a project.  The Native Americans project could protect her as an "adjunct" since she married into a tribe and considered herself Indian.

2. They must be 200 or notable. She was born over 200 years ago, so she meets that. She has a wikipedia page, so she also meets criteria for Notable.

3. They must have the lowest numbered ID.  I don't believe she has any duplicates NOW, so this is met.

4. They must be controversial or duplicated. More specifically, the help page says: "frequently-duplicated, subject to confusion, etc. There must be some sort of controversy or duplication problem, or reasonable expectation that there will be." Unfortunately, I don't think she meets this fourth criteria, which is probably why Gillian did not replace PPP after merging a duplicate a few years back. Yes, there was a duplicate but no evidence of ongoing duplication problems.

If there is some evidence of controversy, the Native Americans project would be happy to protect her.

What does "controversial or duplicated" mean in number 4 criteria?
Controversial usually means someone who is subject to repeated unsupported claims about their ancestry or who keeps having unrelated people attached as parents or children

Duplicated often means that the person was known by more than one name or by a variety of spellings and duplicates are created. Sometimes duplicates are created to further a family story. The PPP is there to make sure that the agreed-upon name/spelling is the one that remains after any merges.
Thanks Kathie. In my opinion, I believe she is known by a couple of different names. When I worked on her history and sources, it was difficult at times to add some information. So I had to include many references to different sources just to make my input believable and understood. Here it looks like I did not do the right thing to have her protected.

If you feel that there's a chance that someone would recreate her with a different last name at birth, like I said, we're happy to take her on. I've left a comment for the two profile managers, seeking their agreement.

Sorry, it was late at night. I meant to post that as a comment, not question. Thanks to all who took the time to provide their thoughts and explainations. cool

I do not think anyone will add her with a different name at birth. What concerns me is that someone might see a mistake in her name and out of the goodness of their heart, attempt to change her name after she went with the Native Americans. I say this because once her first name changed, she did not have a last name. She did not have a last name at the time of her death either. WT  makes someone have a last name if they have one or not

 It is the right thing to do in almost every instance so there is no error.

But there is at least 1 instance where there is something different. We do not need anyone changing her last name.
(Project protection will not prevent someone coming along and changing her current last name.)
With this discussion in this area, what will project protection do for this profile? What does protect a historic figures profile?

Per the Project Protection Help page Help:Project Protection (

PPP provides the following:

  1. Merge Protection: The WikiTree ID is protected. A PPP cannot be merged-away into another profile. Duplicate profiles must be merged into the PPP.
  2. Relationship Protection: Parents, children, and spouses of a PPP cannot be added or removed unless you are a Project LeaderProject Coordinator, or Profile Manager acting on behalf of the project.
  3. GEDCOM Protection: A PPP cannot be edited via GEDCOMpare unless you are a Project LeaderProject Coordinator, or Profile Manager acting on behalf of the project.
  4. App Protection: A PPP cannot be edited via external apps unless you are a Project LeaderProject Coordinator, or Profile Manager acting on behalf of the project.

Jerry, in addition to all that, project protection places the profile on the watchlist of the *project* and selected project volunteers follow that watchlist or activity feed and respond to comments and watch out for inappropriate edits.
Thanks everyone for explaining things to me.
+5 votes
I expect that the Native American adjunct template will keep eyes on changes sufficiently, through the project's activity feed.

by Sunny Clark G2G6 Mach 1 (10.0k points)
Thanks, Sunny; I'll send you a Trusted List request from the Project account; if you could then make the project a profile manager, that would be great.

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