How to cite a biography in a county history book?

+6 votes
How to cite a biography from a county history book if it's online through Google Books or Family Search or other Library databases?
in WikiTree Help by Nancy Scharding G2G4 (4.5k points)
You create a bibliography entry as:

Author (or compiler or editor, etc), title, publisher, place published, date, website where posted, url

A citation could be

Author, title, pages(s) [or chapter or other identifiable section] to specify exactly where in the book the info came from.
Thanks George. I also need to know do I put the opening/closing "ref" HTML marks around it, or do I use an asterisk, or not? And does it go immediately below biography? (I'm new to wiki).

You are talking about in-line citations. This section from the Help section has the details:

Embed them as references (footnotes) 

As you become more experienced and start to collaborate with other WikiTreers you will need to learn how to create references, i.e. footnotes, endnotes, or citations.

After stating a fact for which you have a source, surround the reference with these tags:

<ref>  ...  </ref>

This button on the edit toolbar will automatically create them: cite-source.png

References will automatically appear in place of the <references /> tag, which should be directly below the == Sources == headline.

Here's an example:

Some even say that "genealogy without sources is mythology".<ref>Lorine McGinnis Schulze,"[ Genealogy without Sources is Mythology]," article on Olivetree.</ref>

You can see the footnote this produces at the bottom of this page.

Click here for an example on a profile's edit page.

See the Sources Style Guide if you need more info on the technical elements or styling of the Sources section.

Nancy, as I read the help text, simply type <ref> before the citation, and </ref> after it. If you have a url as part of it, type [ before and ] after the url.

I think the C button on the edit tool bar places the ref’s in the right place.

I think for the bibliography part you need type the asterisk then your source.

Just try it, and see how it works. If it doesn’t you can always remove it.

2 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer

The help on Sources has an example for a book

If you can find the book here it might already have what you are looking for.  For example used by

by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (654k points)
selected by Susan Laursen

Thanks Kay. This is just what I needed: to be able to see where and how someone else added a book. I've saved the URL for future use.
+5 votes
by Judi Stutz G2G6 Pilot (389k points)

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