Can anyone access the Chelsea Pensioners records?

+4 votes

Does anyone have access to the Chelsea Pensioners records, or other British Army records? I cannot view them without subscription. I am researching a man called William Rice and trying to confirm a birth record for him, but I do not know his mother's name. His father was also called William Rice. I am hoping the military records might have his parent's names.

This is what I know so far...

He was born between 1870 and 1880 around London.
Another unconfirmed bio I found says he was born in Surrey. I do not know if that is accurate. On the 1901 census his birth location is given as Bermondsey, London. He was serving with the: RAMC = Royal Army Medical Core

(Thank you to Wikitree member Andrew Millard for helping me to figure out his unit).

William Rice served in Ireland for sometime where he met and married his wife Margaret. They emigrated to Canada sometime around 1902-1903, so his military service ended about that time.

Any help would be appreciated. I am researching this family for the Titanic Project because his wife and children died on Titanic (William himself died previously in 1910). I am trying to connect them to the global tree, but need to get William's parents confirmed first!

Thank you anyone who can advise and help. 

WikiTree profile: William Rice
in Genealogy Help by Fionnuala O'Connor G2G6 Mach 2 (27.4k points)

3 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

Here is the file Frances mentioned, does confirm william rice as the father and margaret as wife. not sure why its so small but yopu can zoom in and it has clear info. Im hosting on my drive atm so if you could let me know when you have downloaded and i'll remove it :)

to clear up the birth place confusion

  • Parish: Bermondsey
  • Near Town: london
  • County: surrey

i had a quick look at all the other william rice and none of the others match the next of kin info

by Kirsty Grayson G2G Crew (810 points)
selected by Fionnuala O'Connor
Thank you so much, this is definitely him!

Now I can get working on his parents. I am so grateful, I will give you an acknowledgement on his profile when I get it done!!

I just realised both you and Gill have helped me on this, I will acknowledge you both, and Frances also!! Thanks everyone! yessmiley

+5 votes

Ancestry has a link to Fold 3 - 

Name: William Rice
Enlistment Age: 18
Birth Date: abt 1878
Birth Place: Bermondsey, Surrey
Enlistment Year: 1896
Regiment: Medl Staff Corps
Regimental Number: 11.164
Attestation Paper: Yes

I looked on the National Archives Page for the source but my National Archives skills are rusty and I didn't find it - a lot of those military records are in findmypast.  "

Source Citation

The National Archives; Kew, London, England; Royal Hospital Chelsea: Soldiers Service Documents; Reference Number: WO 97"

by Frances McCarthy G2G6 Mach 2 (28.7k points)
Thanks Frances, you got the ball rolling on William's history and now others have got me the full records, so I am happy it is definitely him! I will acknowledge you on his profile.
+4 votes
I'm not sure that this is the same one - there's no mention of Ireland (though perhaps Ireland counts as "home"). He's the only one on Find my past that fits.

11.164 Short Service Attestation (on Findmypast)

On the 4 Aug 1896 he was 18 years 4 months Born Bermondsey

Father William Rice, 22 Smyrks? Road, Old Kent Road, London S6
Wife Margaret, residing with husband

Trained Aldershot 22.12.96 Medical Staff Corps
South Africa 1899-1900
Service record:
Home 4.8.96 - 31.10.99
South Africa 1.11.99 - 9.7.00
Home 10.7.00 - 11.3.03
A Reserve 12.3.03 - 3.8.08

Edited as I keep forgetting bits :)
by Gill Whitehouse G2G6 Pilot (200k points)
edited by Gill Whitehouse
If that's the right one, these are his parents

: William Rice    Head        M    40        Newington, London, England
: Eleanor Rice    Wife        F    33        Newington, London, England
: William Rice    Son        M    13        Bermondsey, London, England
: John Rice    Son        M    11        Newington, London, England
: Eleanor Rice    Daughter        F    10        Newington, London, England
: Jessie Rice    Daughter        F    4        Newington, London, England
: Arthur Rice    Son        M    1        Newington, London, England

1901 - living at 22 Smyrks Road
: William Rice    Head        M    50        Walworth, London, England
: John Rice    Son        M    21        Walworth, London, England
: Eleanor Rice    Daughter        F    20        Walworth, London, England
: Jessie Rice    Daughter        F    13        Walworth, London, England
: Arthur Rice    Son        M    11        Walworth, London, England
: Albert P Rice    Son        M    5        Southwark, London, England
Possible marriage

Name:     William Rice
Date of Registration:     1898, Apr-May-Jun
Registration district:     Athlone, Ireland
Volume:     3
Page number:     3
FHL Film Number:     101259
Records on Page (Name)
John M'Cormack
Margaret Norton
William Rice
Margaret Deegan
John Reilly
Catherine Byrne

Party 1 Name
Party 2 Name
Date of Event
18 June 1898
Group Registration ID
SR District/Reg Area

I've added his parents as a research note to save adding any more here!
And here they are in 1901 (sorry, I couldn't find it on FS)

: William Rice    Head    Married    M    24    Soldier (pote) r a m    Bermondsey, Surrey, England
: Margaret Rice    Wife    Married    F    28        Ireland
Thanks for all your help Gill, I will acknowledge you on his profile.
You're very welcome!
Gill - where did you see the birthplaces as Bermondsey, Newington, etc... these do not come on the Family Search transcript. Is it on the original images?

Do you know if "Newington" is the same as "Walworth"?? They all seemed to have changed birth-location in the ten years between the two census!!!
Hi, yes, they're on the census images - I'll see if I can add some sources.

Places are always very variable in censuses Walworth is a mile from Newington, so maybe they were in between the two.

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