Profile Improvement Project (PIP) Voyage: Help YOUR managed profiles shine [closed]

+51 votes

See new join thread posted 17 Nov 2024

Want to create attractive, interesting, and accurate profiles? Love to help track down those mysterious unknowns? If you discover that you're just automatically improving profiles as you randomly fix the large and small problems on WikiTree profiles, consider joining the Profile Improvement Project.

PIP is dedicated to helping you make YOUR managed profiles some of the best on WikiTree. As you embark on our Voyage, you will be assisted by one of our friendly and knowledgeable Guides. You will learn how to create fun, interesting, informative, well-sourced profiles that adhere to WikiTree standards, styles, and guidelines. 

Read the Project Page and follow the steps in the "How to Join" section. Add an answer below to get started on the Voyage.

Thank you.

Closed as a duplicate of: Profile improvement Project (PIP) Voyage: Help YOUR managed profiles shine

closed with the note: Updated
in The Tree House by Robin Shaules G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
closed by Robin Shaules

106 Answers

+21 votes
I would like to join the Profile Improvement Project. Please advise how I can get started on the Voyage...thanks!
by Sally Kimbel G2G6 Pilot (110k points)
Hi Sally, please look for a private message from me.
Thanks! Ready to sail as soon as a berth opens up for the Voyage!
+21 votes
I was sign-posted to join this project by another project that I expressed interest in joining. I have completed the WikiTree Explorer academy course for new members. I would like to join the voyage to become a better WikiTreer
by Sally Deegan G2G2 (2.3k points)
Hi Sally, please look for a private message from me.
Hi Robin, thanks for the prompt - it had gone into the spam folder. I have responded! thanks
+20 votes

Hi, I have been wandering around doing Gedcom cleanup and general profile improvement just for fun! I would like a shiny new badge, sign me up please. laugh

by Lorraine Nagle G2G6 Pilot (222k points)
Hello Lorraine, please look for a private message from me.
+20 votes
I would like to improve wiki profiles and work on difficult profiles specifically.  I am willing to go on a voyage and join any project which will take me there.  Thanks.
by Ray Landry G2G2 (2.8k points)
Hello Ray, please look for a private message from me.
Yay Ray!!
+19 votes
I am ready to get started on the PIP Voyage
by Kevin Huigens G2G6 (6.9k points)
Hello Kevin, Please look for a private message from me.  Thank you.
+17 votes

Please sign me up!   Profiles we create should be crisp, clean, and well presented!  Outsiders (non WikiTreers) who are searching for family all too often see a disorganized mess.   Thank you for this thread!wink

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (5.0m points)
Hello David, Please look for a private message from me.  Thank you.
+19 votes
Hello! Whenever I find work on unsourced profiles, clean up GEDCOM created profiles or look back at the early profiles I created I try to improve the profiles. I would like to start the PIP voyage to make sure that I am doing it correctly. Thank you.
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (538k points)
Hello Liza,  Please look for a private message from me.  Thank you.
+20 votes
I’d like to start the journey! A lot of the profiles I manage don’t have any biographies, so now that I’m trying to work on those, it would be interesting to see what I could improve. Thanks!
by Gael Tomlinson G2G6 Mach 1 (10.2k points)
Hello Gael, please look for a private message from me.

Thank you.
+19 votes

I am interested in joining the Profile Improvement Project and undertake the PIP Voyage.


by Katie Miller G2G6 Mach 1 (17.2k points)
Hello Katie,

Please look for a private message from me.  We're looking forward to working with you.

+18 votes
Hi! I'm hoping to join the profile improvement project!
by Kelsey Shields G2G3 (3.1k points)
Hello Kelsey,

Please look for a private message from me. We're looking forward to working with you.

+16 votes
I'm interested!
by Lisa Mullings G2G6 Mach 1 (19.5k points)
Hello Lisa,

Please look for a private message from me. We're looking forward to working with you.

+13 votes
Hi Robin - I'm interested in learning more about the PIP Voyage. Can you help me get started? Thanks!
by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
Hello Scott,

Please look for a private message from me.  We're looking forward to working with you.

+16 votes
I am interested in joining the PIP's Voyage! Excited to learn how to improve the profiles I've created for my ancestors!
by Sydney Bays G2G1 (1.3k points)

Hello Sydney,
Please look for a private message from me.  We're looking forward to working with you.

+16 votes
Hello, I've been cleaning up ancestor files and adopting orphans for some time now, so this looks like a good choice for my first project if you're still looking for participants.
by Stephen Mosier G2G6 (7.0k points)
Hi Stephen, please look for a private message from me.  We're looking forward to working with you.
+15 votes
I would LOVE to join and start on the Voyage.  I feel this is an excellent learning tool that Wikitree offers to help making Profiles even better.
by Sjana Lee Bauer G2G6 Mach 3 (36.3k points)
Hello Sjana, Please look for a private message from me.  We're happy that you want to join us.
+15 votes
I would like to become a member of the Profile Improvement Project. Please let me know what is needed to get started. Thank you!
by Erin Hill G2G1 (1.5k points)
Hi Erin, please look for a private message from me. We're happy that you wish to join us.
+16 votes

My goal is to do what I need to do to complete the Voyage. Where do I start?

by Ralph Geer G2G6 Mach 5 (54.4k points)
Hi Ralph, please look for a private message from me.  We're happy that you wish to join us.

I am happy for the invitation to join. I have replied to your private message. Thanks.

+17 votes
Hi I would like to learn to improve profiles and am keen to create profiles that are well presented. I have recently joined data doctors.

Thanks Gordon
by Gordon Mac Rae G2G6 Mach 2 (22.5k points)
Hi Gordon, please look for a private message from me.  We're happy that you wish to join us.
Thank you Robin
+16 votes
Doesn't saying "YOUR profiles" imply that the scope of the profiles to which the project applies is limited to profiles that you manage?

I took the Voyage a good number of months ago, and have worked under the assumption that any profile I edit can have the PIP principles applied.
by Porter Fann G2G6 Pilot (110k points)
Yes, "your" implies that you're going to work on your own profiles.  That's a primary focus for new PIP members, especially until they get their watchlist cleaned up. We also say "your" because when you're going through the Voyage, you're working on your own profiles rather than orphaned profiles as most of the other Project Trails use. The skills learned can be applied to profiles all over WikiTree and we expect members will go on to work on those. But we really would like members to get their watchlist to the best that they can. If they created the profiles, they had done the research on them, and would be the best person to create excellent profiles for them.
+14 votes
I would like to join the Profile Improvement Project
by Tracey Bent G2G6 Mach 1 (16.4k points)
Hi Tracey,

Please look for a private message from me.  We're happy to have you join us.
Hello again,

I have sent you another private message.

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