[Translation Request][Spanish] 1812 Puerto Rico - Maria Feliciano's death record

+10 votes

Maria Feliciano's death record is jam-packed with information that is too tiny for me to make out aside from a few things here and there - her age at death (70), her father's name (Pedro), her husband's name (Jacinto Borrero). There's more there that I just cannot read. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

FamilySearch Film # 007231494. Image 1646. Record 548.

WikiTree profile: Maria Feliciano
in Genealogy Help by G. Borrero G2G6 Pilot (131k points)

2 Answers

+11 votes
This is indeed a detailed funeral record that is hard to read.  Like you said, her father was Pedro and her mother appears to be named Rosa, but I can't read Rosa's surname.  She received last rites--extremauncion.  Much of the language of the last half is about details of prayer services for her.  Near the end her son Manuel is mentioned.
by Lowell Samples G2G1 (1.1k points)

Right after mentioning her son Manuel it also reads: "and to Don Josef Remigio Lugo, and to Don Josef Pacheco." I don't know if those people were merely present for the last rites or if they inherited from the will/testament. This one was challenging despite using the image viewer.
Also it looks like her mother's last name was written Risera maybe it is Rivera and the v looks more like an S? I would cross check other documents. I typically start with marriage records, then birth then death. 

+8 votes
Her mother's name seems to be Rosa Ricosa (at least that is what I read). Both her parents where born in the same town.

She was a widow when she died.

The rest is a detail of the last rites and several prayers said for her after she died  - and paid by the family probably - that's why the priest listed them so thoroughly, he had to give account for the parish income to the bishop every now an then. That means Maria's family was well off, very probably.
by Cristina Corbellani G2G6 Mach 8 (88.6k points)
edited by Cristina Corbellani

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