How do I put ship names I served on into category?

+1 vote
I served on a number of ships and commands. I would like to put them under my name so other can find me if they served also.
WikiTree profile: Dewey Neufeld
in WikiTree Help by Dewey Neufeld G2G6 Mach 1 (12.8k points)
retagged by Michael Cayley

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
It depends on whether or not you served during wartime. Ship names are [[Category:USS Shipname (XXX-12), United States Navy]]. The parentheses contain the Hull nr. For a wartime name [[Category:USS Shipname (XXX-12), United States Navy, Vietnam War]], for example.

If you're not confident with it, just send me an email with your ship names and service dates and I'll create the categories, which you can then place in your profile.

Hey you served at NCS in Guam? So did I but from 1977 - 1981, I worked there when it was NCWP. Worked in message center, Div 38.

You could probably add [[Category:Naval_Communications_Station, Dededo, Guam]] or [[Category:NAVCAMS Westpac, Guam]]
by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
selected by Dewey Neufeld
+4 votes

See: Category:United States Navy Ships for general guidance and formatting.

Once you know the proper category name you need, you add it to your profile in brackets. For example:

[[Category:USS Vega (AF-59), United States Navy]] for service not during war time.

Once you save your changes, go to the bottom of your profile and see if any of the categories are in RED. If so, you will need to create the pages. Click on the red links, and on the resulting page, add a brief summary of the ship. For example, see: Cate4gory:USS Whiteside (AKA-90), United States Navy for the basic information.

If you need any assistance, feel free to ask here in G2G with a specific ship / query, or contact Leader Natalie from the Military and War project (she is highly proficient in categorization).

by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (812k points)

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