Hi Wikitreers,
I have in collection a Fair condition Bible that is very fragile with the leather binding cracked and chipping. The Bible is titled inside with “Presented to W. H. Barlow from a friend W. Anderston” could read Anderson. Date of the Bible appears to be 1901. This would make it over 100 years old. We need collaboration in finding more research about W. H. Barlow most likely lived in New England and the Connecticut region. Found inside is old post card blank but seems from an era of early 20th century with some cards of poetry. Any collaboration of interest is appreciated.
Note: still working through the pages will update with further findings as time permits as book is fragile
Thank you
Thank you! Yes very possible. I might find more when I slowly go through the pages maybe a clue but very fragile Bible. This person I believe was not a child when presented this Bible by another male friend. Also, the date of the Bible is 1901 so likely around this time and was obtained in Ct so the area would likely be New England and Connecticut region. The valentine post card I am not sure of its date but the postage is a cent? The poems not sure maybe more modern. A mystery for sure. I added in the posted comments two memorials one is very possibly his matching the age approximately and location. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/57689423/w-howard-barlow
Edit: typos
From what I could find about postage for postcards
“This rate for privately produced postcards went down to $0.01 on May 19, 1898, with the passage of the Private Mailing Card Act.” See Here