How to handle profiles locked by dormant WikiTree accounts?

+9 votes

I found a possible match for Lash-684 with Lash-106, but 106 is locked and I can't access things like dates, etc., to confirm if there is or isn't a match.  I emailed the Account Manager and received this reply: "Do what you want. I haven't used my account there in a few years."  A follow-up email asking to be put on the Trusted List is unanswered to date.  Lash-106 was last updated two years ago.  I read the 'dormant merge questions on this forum and, alas, haven't answered my specific question.

Should I just 'fuggedaboutit' or is there a WikiTree process that can be followed?  Thanks, Ray.

in WikiTree Help by Ray Sarlin G2G6 Pilot (145k points)

2 Answers

+13 votes

Yes, there is a process, it's called Unresponsive Manager, see Help:Unresponsive Profile Managers (

by Kathie Forbes G2G6 Pilot (998k points)
+9 votes
In addition to the Unresponsive PM process, you can send a message to admin @, asking that they compare the profiles to see if they are the same profile and should be merged.  They can quickly review the dates or connections to see if they look to be the same.

You can propose the merge now and ask admin to verify if they appear to be the same.   Maybe forward that email that you received, if you can find it, to admin so they can see that the PM doesn't care what is done.  Part of the Unresponsive PM process is that they will try to contact the person and if no reply received, they will orphan some or all of the profiles where the person is PM.

Have you tried sending the Trusted List request from the Lash-106 profile, which is in the bottom of that block about Trusted List on the profile?  That is one of the steps of the UPM process.  If they answer that, you will be able to do the merge.
by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (877k points)

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