Question about migration categorization (Holy Roman Empire to wherever)

+8 votes
Within the Germany categorization stuff, I found in a migration category that is for the German Confederation in the time from 1815 to 1868 a profile of a man who migrated in the 1770s. So he does not fit into the German Confederation timeframe. I did not find categories for the time of the Holy Roman Empire though. The Holy Roman Empire was an "umbrella" for about 700 sovereign states (altogether), that had own leaders, own taxes, own customs etc.

So here is my question: If we take "Holy Roman Empire" as country in the Category Info Box, then it should be possible to take e.g. "Fürstentum Solms-Braunfels" as entity and that way have a category "Migrant from Fürstentum Solms-Braunfels to Texas". Do I understand that correctly?
WikiTree profile: Chretien Bauer
in Policy and Style by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
I understand this question. It is also helpful to add the Wikitree profile of the individual you refer to.

Good Luck!
Thanks Steve, I added the man.

These are the current entities under Holy Roman Empire, Emigrants. According to Wikipedia, Solms-Braunfels was a Principality of the Holy Roman Empire from 1742. So it could be added as an admin entity under Holy Roman Empire.

Thanks Margaret! Not only for answering this question, but for all your help in our battle with the categories.
Wow! we live and learn. Thanks Margaret!
I had not found before emigrants from Holy Roman Empire.
@Jelena, no problem, try to help if I can, one thing, that profile you linked went to Canada, not Texas, and he shouldn't have "Germany, Emigrants" as a category, that's a high level category (no profiles), and "Germany" as the country is for post 1871 migration?

I took also "Fürstentum Solms-Braunfels" as an example. Chretien himself did not live in Solms-Braunfels, but I know that people from Solms-Braunfels went to Texas. I wanted to have a general answer about HRE.

The problem is that sometimes it is hard to find out where in Germany a person is from. The Germany Project aims in its Location Field Guidelines to have the *general location* then (in German) as "Deutscher Bund" or "Heiliges Römisches Reich" or whatever is fitting. But on one hand, not every WikiTree-member with German ancestors is member of the Germany Project and on the other hand, there are far more Location Field fillings in English than in German. Additional to all that, the location suggestion list of FamilySearch is often simply wrong, so that one often has to check the single profile to see if the location is put in correctly. Oh well... there are some roadblocks on the way to clean up the German categories. But ignoring the stuff is no option at all.

If you only know the destination entity and the migration country, you can use the 4th level category "Texas, Immigrants from Holy Roman Empire" (or whatever the country is), like Texas, Immigrants from German Confederation.

Yes. But doesn't quite work in this example. Jelena has asked about migration from the Holy Roman Empire which precedes the formation of the German Confederation after the Congress of Vienna in 1815.
Which is why I suggested  Texas, Immigrants from Holy Roman Empire
Yes. I agree. I rabbit on because some of the time boundaries are not clear.
This question should be discussed amongst all the Wikitree members interested in HRE.
@Margaret "Holy Roman Empire" is not listed as one of the countries on the Migration Category Structure page .. can I suggest it be added to that, and also guidelines about which time period its categories cover ?
@Matt, sorry, I don't have access to edit that page, you would need to add a comment to the page, or message someone on the trusted list. There are a few countries not listed on the page.

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