Erroneous message appearing

+4 votes

I tried to adopt but then when I attempt to change the lnab at birth I get a message about confirming my email address is correct which doesn't even display the email address it is complaining about.  When I go back to the previous page it shows the profile still as an orphan  but won't let me adopt it. Is there a tech support email where I can send a screenshot?

WikiTree profile: Irene Westall
in WikiTree Tech by Jemima Winder G2G6 (7.3k points)
retagged by Abby Glann
Oops! You don't have an email added to your account, so you don't show up as a member. Let me know if you need help with that!

For the record and for benefit of other people in the future, this is what happens if the email address is accidentally removed from your own profile. If that happens, you must urgently email the Team at the address Melanie has given below, and ask them to fix it. If you're lucky this will forestall the automatic process which deletes your account after some hours. (I escaped myself once this way, but only just.)

Hi, I still don't seem to be connected to my account despite adding my email address back in - info have not replied to me and my account is showing as orphaned!  Plus, I can no longer log in on the other browser so it looks like my password has been changed too.  Please can someone else email info on my behalf - I'm really scared I'll lose all my contributions history!

Many thanks, Jemima

1 Answer

+3 votes
I'm not sure why it did that Jemima, but I've changed the surname for you.
by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
Thanks so much.  However, now I've found I am no longer able to edit any profile!  I no longer see the weird message but in the url it says &errcode=unconfirmed at the end :(

Jemima, send an email to   and explain your situation.  You seem to have become detached from your account.

Jemima may not have got these responses as emails from G2G because of the missing email address. Unfortunately it looks as if the account has now been automatically deleted. Mindy, can you intervene in some way?

It still existed 2 hours ago when I posted.  sad

As I said above, urgency is vital if this happens. Once the account is deleted, a new one can be created, but I don't think all existing data, e.g. contribution history, can be restored.
I'll help Jemima. Her email address had a typo, causing it to be unconfirmed as well as causing our newsletters to bounce. We'll work it out in the info@ inbox, but there isn't a bug involved. Thanks!
Thanks, Abby!
Hi, sorry I've only just seen these messages.  What do you mean my email had a typo in it?  I've been receiving emails fine for 2 years - now I can't log on at all in my other browser and I haven't had a reply from info.  Should I try clicking on the forgotten password link or might that make things worse (I don't want to log myself out of this browser too!)
Hi Abby, I've just discovered that the domain was on my email blacklist - I might have accidentally blocked it if a wikitree email ended up in my spam folder.  I've unblocked this now so I should start receiving emails again.  Should I click on the forgotten password link to reset my credentials as my password is no longer working?

thanks, Jemima
Yes! I'll try sending you an email from our admin account, as well.
Jemima, for your email safety, you might want to edit your post and obfuscate that email address to prevent the spambot harvesters from collecting it to use against you.  
Or even, now that Abby has seen it, remove it totally.
Mindy helped me get back into my account by changing to my work email address.  For some reason emails were bouncing from my private account even though the domain is no longer blacklisted (info emails get through fine).  I've tried adding as a contact but no use so if anyone has any ideas of how to get round this it would be great as I can't leave my account linked to work for very long!
You could try setting up an email just for WikiTree, from one of the free ones out there.  I've heard that is regarded as pretty secure.
I have no idea if you could set one of those to forward to your usual email address, but you could look into it.
thanks for the recommendation

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