How is it that the State of Oregon in the United States has 0 suggestions on Data Doctors?

+5 votes
I am either impressed that all the profiles in Oregon are perfect and have no errors, or there is possibly a 'coding' error that eliminated the entire State.  I know my profiles need work and some are in the State of Oregon, in the United States.  It appears that Oregon is now its own Country...which sort of explains the current political situation.

This is what is posted: Oregon Suggestion report for Oregon. There were 0 suggestions for 0 profiles on 12 Mar 2023. Table prepared at 15.03.2023 01:13:05 (Slovenian time). Condition to prepare list (Country is Oregon).
in WikiTree Tech by Randi Zurcher G2G6 Mach 3 (38.7k points)
edited by Ellen Smith

1 Answer

+6 votes
What type of query did you use?  Were you using wikitree +?  It looks like you were using Country=Oregon.  I don't think it works with Country for the US States since United States should be the country.  If you use just Oregon for the query, there are lots of records returns and lots of suggestions.

Also if you add Ales as a tag, Ales can answer for certain.  Help Page for Wikitree + seems to indicate that the US State would work with a location, but I could not make that work for other states, either.
by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (875k points)
This is from the "Suggestions List" is the heading page:

When you search for "Oregon" there are no suggestions.

It is something that Ales needs to address.  How do I get a message to him?

When I pulled up that page 'Suggestions by Location', I found Oregon under the West / Pacific Region 4 Division 9 West, Pacific US states - Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington

Selecting Oregon, is showing no suggestions, so there must have been a problem with that query.  I have just left him a message in Discord. 

As I said earlier, edit your question and remove some of the tags and add Ales as a tag, as well as data_doctors

Ales said he found a problem and is regenerating the report.  

It isn't corrected yet, but should be soon, hopefully.

Oregon Suggestion

Yeah looks like the page is working now: "Suggestion report for Oregon. There were 17070 suggestions for 129022 profiles on 12 Mar 2023."

I was going to say, I had been trying to work on some of the errors for Oregon but I didn't think I had corrected them all!!!
Looks like you will be busy for a while. Lol

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