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+9 votes
I began my genealogy searches in 2017. I am tracing my ancestry through my mother’s side, Whitfield. I am interested to know if Thomas Whitfield, Esq., lord of the manor of East-Sheen and West-Hall is, in fact, an early ancestor. I have come across a Nicholas Whitfield, father of a Thomas Whitfield and. John Whitfield b. abt. 1315 of Northumberland, England. Finding records this far back have been difficult to locate and to see if they connect forward to the record of certainty of Richard Whitfield b.1777, his son, James W. Whitfield b. 1805 and forward. I would welcome any verifiable clues!
WikiTree profile: Lynn Woodruff
in The Tree House by Lynn Woodruff G2G Crew (400 points)

3 Answers

+7 votes

Hi, Lynn

Thank you for being a Guest Member on WikiTree.  Check out the Membership info and consider upgrading.  WikiTree is always 100% free, and you might find many cousins in WikiTree to help you add profiles to the one-world tree.

At the top of your profile, you see your SURNAME entered. Change that to WHITFIELD and click the magnifying glass, and you get a list of all Whitfield profiles on WikITree, and you can sort alphabetically or by birth or death dates to see if family members are already on WikiTree.  Rinse and repeat for other surnames you want to research.  Chances are, the further back in time you go, the more likely your ancestors are already here.

You could download a gedcom from a site or program you have entered your family and upload it to WikiTree for the GEDCOMpare process.  This page lists gedcom links for more information: GEDCOM Topics.

I hope this helps, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.

Welcome!  We look forward to working with you!

by Living Moore G2G6 Pilot (220k points)
+5 votes
fun I wish you the best of luck.
by S Sagers G2G6 Mach 3 (30.7k points)
+6 votes
Welcome aboard, Lynne!

Your next step is to upgrade to family member. Then you can start adding your family branches. When you are ready, I suggest you check out the project list. Projects are a great way to learn more, discover new resources and collaborate with other members. The England project has a self-directed course called the Orphan trail which will teach you how to research English profiles. The project list can be found under the Find drop down menu.

Come back here to the forum if you have any questions.
by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (958k points)

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