Serifs? How do we get them?

+3 votes
How can we get serifs on profiles? Els (ll) and capital i's (II) are nearly indistinguishable without them--and they would be helpful elsewhere. I remember where a lnu (last name unknown) was interpreted as Inu (Japanese for dog) as a last name. Henry III and henry ill (with caps) are different people; not so much without serifs. Help! Please.
in WikiTree Help by H Baggott G2G6 Mach 1 (10.0k points)

Ian or one of the other developers may be able to throw together an option in the extension that allows you to select from other font options. Add the "WT_APPS" tag to your post and that will draw in more attention.

If they are not able to, I can get to this next week.

Some suggested fonts:

  • Open-Dyslexic
  • Georgia (Serif)
  • Merriweather (Serif)

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