Hello and thank you for letting me join the Group. I have been struggling for a very long time to find more information about my mother's family. I don't live in Ireland now but have family there and visit frequently although not since COVID.
My great great grandfather was James Alexander Dunbar born 16/05/1879 in the parish of CLOGHER County Tyrone to James Dunbar (a joiner) and Jane Eliza Rae. James Dunbar was born in 1849 also in the parish of CLOGHER County Tyrone and his father (my great, great, great, great grandfather was Thomas Dunbar but I can find nothing about Thomas - not even who he was married to - except that in 1829 he resided in Ballygawley, Errigal Keeroque parish, Co Tyrone and in 1832 resided Tenements, Errigal Keerogue Parish Co Tyrone. Any information about Thomas would be wonderful.