Looking for Northern Ireland/Scotland sources for ancestors of Andrew Ernest Young

+5 votes
I'm looking for sources for the parents and prior ancestors of Andrew Ernest Young.

I've got as far as determining that he was born in Northern Ireland, and from what I know, his family were Scots.

According to family oral histories his mother (Mary Greer) was Scots, but I don't have any records about his father; whether he was born in Northern Ireland, or migrated there from Scotland.

I haven't been able to create profiles for his parents as I can't locate reliable sources.
WikiTree profile: Andrew Young
in Genealogy Help by Christopher Cookson G2G2 (2.3k points)

4 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

Andrew Ernest Young son of the people shown was born on 29 December 1885 (birth registered 1886). The parents' address does indeed seem to be Ligfordram, which appears to be in the union of Newtonstewart in co Tyrone. His sister Matilda Jane was born on 26 June 1887.

Small points worth noting are that Andrew's birth was reported by his father who made a mark (although the marriage register gives the impression that he had signed). Matilda Jane's birth was reported by Mary Jane Greer who was present at the birth (perhaps Matilda Greer's mother or some other relative), who also made her mark. The marriage was witnessed by Matthew Greer, probably a relative. A Matthew Greer Labourer giving the same address married in 1870. His father was another Matthew Greer, farmer.

There is absolutely no point whatever in paying for a service to search for births, marriages and deaths for this period. The underlying registers are available free on Irishgenealogy.ie courtesy of the Irish government. The search there is not absolutely the best; if you don't find what you want try searching FamilySearch first and then look at Irishgenealogy.ie when you have the details of where/when an event was registered.

There are lots of other Young births in Strabane during the 20 years after the Young/Greer marriage, which you could check.

Unfortunately, the civil BMD records do not go back far enough to help you much with the previous generation; you need to look for church records (on the same site, or FamilySearch), or wills & other documents eg here.

by Alan Watson G2G6 Mach 3 (34.7k points)
selected by Linda Bell
+8 votes

Northern Ireland records for this time period are available for a fee (https://geni.nidirect.gov.uk/). Scottish records would need knowing his parents and where in Scotland but generally at ScotlandsPeople.gov.uk. The index is better for Scotland but the records are for a fee. In both places it is by credit rather than subscription.

by Doug McCallum G2G6 Pilot (576k points)
+7 votes
by Valerie Kerr G2G6 Mach 1 (17.6k points)
+3 votes
I am also looking for James Herrington, born in Ulster in 1646. I am trying to track ancestors back to Scotland.  I suspect his parents came from Scotland in early 1600s with the :Plantation" of Scots to Northern Ireland, but I don't know where to find info about parents.  Do birth records exist in Ulster, Ireland which would list his parents?

by F Szenasi G2G3 (3.3k points)

The best sources I know of are listed in Rebellion, Plantation and War. Particularly relevant for you might be the section on The Plantation of Ulster and the sub-section on Scots involvement in it. The latter will also point you to Scots Irish Links.

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