Would you like to find orphaned Bahamian profiles?

+4 votes
I’ve started using WikiTree+, coordinating with Peter, to see how it can be used to increase the value of Bahamian profiles 1) to ensure Bahamian profiles have the {{Bahamas}} category tag and 2) to increase the leverage of the relationship between WikiTree and GED match for those who have done an autosomal test.

2) is complex and is still conceptually in development. Stay tuned though.

1) There are about 1,200 profiles that fit the criteria of either being born or died in the Bahamas but do not have the {{Bahamas}} category tag. Profile Managers will be messaged to correct this with help if necessary.

Of the 1,200 profiles 86 of them are orphaned - no Profile Manager. Should the Bahamas Project adopt these profiles? What are your thoughts?

I am still noodling on how to ID Bahamian descendant profiles that were not born or died in the Bahamas so the can be categorized with {{Bahamas}} as well.

Email me at ptoemmes<at>gmail.com if you want a copy of the Excel spreadsheet.

in The Tree House by Pete Toemmes G2G6 (6.7k points)
I’d like to help! I’ve added the Bahamas tag from time to time when I’ve come across profiles that need it.
Thank you.

You just reminded me of something. Anyone can edit an Open profile so I need to see if I can tease that info out with the query.

Beyond that, the idea is to manually message the profile manager using WikiTree and a form “letter” TBD. Fortunately, in a lot of cases, a profile manager manages more than one target profile so one message many profiles IDs - I hope.

Anyway, I probably have your email address, but just in case email me ptoemmes@gmail.com

Things will start to escalate next week.

Happy to help, Pete.
Hi Ann.

Did you get the email I sent you?

Don’t hesitate with any questions.

Appreciate the help.


The {{Bahamas}} sticker should be placed directly below the  biography line: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Stickers#Location_on_profiles


When it was a template then it was above the biography line.

Thank you, Peter, for clarifying this.

1 Answer

+5 votes
Hello Pete, These are a great ideas. So many groups have "descendants" stickers and categories, so we also should have a "Bahamas Descendant" sticker as well on our Bahamian-ancestry profiles.

We could go even one step further, like the English ancestry stickers, and indicate the specific island, such as N.P., Spanish Wells, Ragged Island, etc. where the person was born. I don't know how to do this but I am sure we could find someone in the England project to show us how they did it.

I would like to help, especially with Ceruti, Wark, Necks, and Higgs profiles. My family has lots of mysteries, so if anyone runs across a way to solve any of them, here they are:


If this link does not work, go to my profile and click on [1].
by Marion Ceruti G2G6 Pilot (423k points)
I agree, but I defer to Peter Roberts, The Bahamas category "admin", for bigger thinking ideas like this.

My age limited brain cells are down deep in the forest at the moment seeing how the new (to me) WikiTree+ facility works and might help.  For some ideas, the query capability in WikiTree+ is limited (update also being unsupported to someone like me - at the moment), but that maybe can be "fixed" with appropriate cost-benefit arguments to the WikiTree+ admins which is being worked on.

In general, we can query/find certain things, but updating requires manual effort and often coordination with profile managers.

One example is that it is not doable - yet - to use a query to find Bahamas descendants that were not either born or died in the Bahamas.  They should be categorized, as you suggest, as well.  

And Peter wants to up the "integration" of WT and DNA matching especially utilizing GEDmatch.   I think a very key effort from personal experience.

I'll look to see if/how surnames you listed show up in The Bahamas category query results.  It's easier said that done, but essentially any profile that is Bahamian related should have the {{Bahamas}} category Tag as the fist line in the free textual portion of the profile - right at the top above == Biography ==.


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