I need help with another German translation

+5 votes
in Genealogy Help by Paul Schmehl G2G6 Pilot (165k points)
edited by Paul Schmehl

2 Answers

+4 votes

Obligatory "don't speak German, but have read some German records before."

It looks like it's Friedrick Karl/Carl/Earl Schmehl for record #130. His father was Karl/Carl/Earl Schmehl. Looks like 27 May 1826. Mother is named Maria.

For record #159, it's Juliana Schmehl, 10 May 1830-something. I can't make anything out of the accompanying field aside from "Kelling hausen," which was also in record #130.

Hopefully someone better able to make out these records swoops in and tells you some valuable information. Best of luck!

by G. Borrero G2G6 Pilot (131k points)
+6 votes
Here is my interpretation:

Osnabrück, Church St. Petrus, Burials

Nr. 130, deceased in the insane asylum in Osnabrück, Schmehl, Friedrich Carl, not married, occupation: Schreiber (Writer) and ?? in Osnabrück, born 27th May 1826, Parents: Carl Schmehl and his wife Maria Catharina nee Kellinghausen. Date of death: 30. November 1871, six o'clock in the evening, cause of death: Schwindsucht [Consumption, modern: Tuberculosis], burial: 3. December 1871

Nr. 159, deceased in the insane asylum in Osnabrück, Schmehl, Juliana, not married, born 10th May 183x [numbers are hard to read], Parents: Carl Schmehl and his wife Maria Catharina nee Kellinghausen. Date of death: 26th Nov. 1876 in the morning, cause of death: Schwindsucht [Consumption, modern: Tuberculosis], burial: 29th November 1876
by Jochen Bonitz G2G6 Mach 1 (11.0k points)
Thank you so much. I really struggle with the old german cursive.
1. Schreiber aus Laer (writer from Leer)

2. The fourth number is really hard to read; it could be a "0"; but then she msut be 46 years old and unmarried??
Well, brother and sister were both in the insane asylum, and both unmarried, and both fairly young (he died at 45 and she died at about the same age.) It's not that surprising to find they were unmarried.

The odd thing is, they have no relation to any Schmehls or Kellinghausens that I have researched. It will take some work to figure out who they are.

And I don't know where they were born.
I would try to follow the given hints. In his death record it says he was a "Schreiber aus Laer", so he probably was born there. Laer nowadays is called "Bad Laer" south of Osnabrück.
I have looked at a number of catholic church records in Osnabruck (Iburg, Laer, Melle, Glandort, etc.) without success. I've also looked for the marriage of the parents, but I'm not finding either.

Might be this one? 3rd on the right side.

Well, I guess I'm blind. I went over those records and never found that one. Thanks. Yes, that's him. And that may help me find his sister's and his parents' marriage record.

Would you mind translating that? I'm curious if there are any clues I could use.

I found another sister - https://data.matricula-online.eu/en/deutschland/osnabrueck/bad-laer-maria-geburt/0067/?pg=32

But no other Schmehls up to 1837. I suspect the family may have moved, but no idea where.

The two entrys translate to:

[1826] May, born 27th, baptized 29th, Schmehl, Fridrich Carl; father: Carl Schmehl (lives at his father's, the surgeon); mother: Maria Catharina Kellinghausen; godparent: the surgeon Fridrich Carl Schmehl, owner of [....hagen]? [Kott....]? in [Winkels]?

[1827] December, born 26th, baptized 28th, Schmehl, Johanna Antonia; father: Carl Schmehl; mother: Catharina Kellinghausen; lives at his father's, the surgeon. Godparent: Johanna Kellinghausen, née Schulz.


I can not make mor sence of the last words in the first entry.

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