Here is my interpretation:
Osnabrück, Church St. Petrus, Burials
Nr. 130, deceased in the insane asylum in Osnabrück, Schmehl, Friedrich Carl, not married, occupation: Schreiber (Writer) and ?? in Osnabrück, born 27th May 1826, Parents: Carl Schmehl and his wife Maria Catharina nee Kellinghausen. Date of death: 30. November 1871, six o'clock in the evening, cause of death: Schwindsucht [Consumption, modern: Tuberculosis], burial: 3. December 1871
Nr. 159, deceased in the insane asylum in Osnabrück, Schmehl, Juliana, not married, born 10th May 183x [numbers are hard to read], Parents: Carl Schmehl and his wife Maria Catharina nee Kellinghausen. Date of death: 26th Nov. 1876 in the morning, cause of death: Schwindsucht [Consumption, modern: Tuberculosis], burial: 29th November 1876