Hi from southern Ontario,
Chez moi/at home: what's happening here? Its official Ontario just lived through one of the darkest winters in more than 80 years, I knew it seemed really gloomy in January, and apparently its because we just had one of the darkest winter seasons in nearly a century.
According to information from the European Centre for Medium Range Forecasting parts of Ontario saw lower levels of solar energy between December 2022 and February 2023 than previously recorded in the last 83 years, or since 1940. The worst month for lack of solar energy in Ontario was January, the weather network says at the beginning of January the Greater Toronto Area went without a sunny day for more than two weeks.
So in keeping with that, today is about 5C and raining, yesterday was wonderfully sunny, so we jumped on the opportunity to go for a winter walk along the Credit river.
The stove finally got fixed yesterday and we now have a fully functional kitchen. I have managed to get some of the cookbooks, framed pics etc returned to where they were last seen in November. While doing that I’m sifting and sorting so that many items can go away, some to the charity shop, some to the new immigrant society and others to the recycle centre, plus many unidentified house keys quite whose houses they belong to I have no idea, they went in the garbage.
WikiTree: I’m now working on the Hillock family, the immigrant ancestor arrived in southern Ontario about 1820, bringing his wife and either 6 or 7 children with him, 3 or 4 of the 5 sons settled in the Alton area, one of the grandchildren married into the Patullo family, who are the family I was working on last week (they’re not really finished yet, but were giving me a headache).
The Hillock’s are another family that have a few that is 6 family members buried at Alton, but they are from various generations, so the intervening generations need profiles to be created so they are connected to each other. The immigrant ancestor had 52 grandchildren, and many more GGC, one of whom is buried at Alton, many others are buried at one of the Orangeville cemeteries, about 12 km away.
What else: I just finished reading a book called The Weight of Ink by Rachel Kadish, it was quite fascinating, set in both the current day in London, England and in the 1660s in London, England. It tells the story of a woman who lived in the 1660s, and of the current day historians researching her life.
I’m thinking of taking a leave of absence from the Horticultural Society, there are some uncomfortable micromanaging things happening and I seem to be in the cross hairs. It would give me time to take care of my own garden in my own peaceful, green and growing space.
And Yes, reno pics are coming up next!
Edit: removed duplicated text