Which lnab will be used after merge?

+3 votes
I want to confirm that an in-process merge of profiles with different last names at birth will result in the desired LNAB being used.

If I look at the bottom of the page for a profile that is involved in a merge, the merge is listed under pending merges, but it's not clear from that listing what id will be used by the merged profile. Clicking on "compare" provides a split-screen comparison, but again, I don't see any indication of which of the two ids will end up being by the merged profile.
in WikiTree Help by Randy McLaughlin G2G3 (3.9k points)
During the merge process, which of the profiles will be the final one, will be selected and an option to choose what information in the Biography sections to keep or discard if there is duplication.

1 Answer

+3 votes
The merge should be proposed so the correct LNAB is the recipient profile.  The order can be reversed before the merge if it’s currently wrong.  The merge process will also give you a chance to back out and start over if it’s going in the wrong direction.
by Kathie Forbes G2G6 Pilot (997k points)
"The order can be reversed if currently wrong": but how can you tell which way it is going? I cannot find any indication of which profile will be "the recipient profile".
You can look on the Find menu for proposed merges and it will show which way was proposed, first one named into second one.
Randy - on the screen, when actually merging the profiles, there will be a header paragraph asking if the direction is correct and ask if you wish to reverse the direction with a place to click on to do that.  So no matter which direction the merge is proposed it can be changed.  Then down at the bottom is a box with the biography data and you choose what you want to keep or delete.
"first one named into second one".

That's the kind of answer I was looking for. Disappointing though. The direction of the merge is only implied. A simple UI change, replacing "and" with "into" would be more clear.
"when actually merging the profiles... if you wish to reverse the direction...".

In then end, I guess, no matter how hard I work on researching and discussing what the best LNAB should be, all too often someone else gets the final word and can reverse the intended merge.

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