Is there a tool that could check the tree for DNA confirmed relationships that are missing a source citation?

+7 votes
From time to time I encounter profiles with "dna confirmed" parental relationships that are missing a source citation. (Perhaps most often from new-ish users that are not yet familiar with the intricacies of DNA confirmation standards.)

1. Is there any automated tool that could look for such instances? (May be tricky because of variance in the language for the possible source citation).

2. Via automation or not, what is the appropriate action to take? On open profiles, I'm tempted to simply update the indicators back to "confident" (or whatever) with comments, but I don't know if that would be heavy-handed to someone who may be just getting started on WT.
in WikiTree Tech by Matthew Sullivan G2G6 Pilot (182k points)

1 Answer

+10 votes
Best answer

It sounds like you are looking for suggestion 213 "Missing fathers DNA confirmation" ( and suggestion 313 "Missing mothers DNA confirmation" (

Regarding what to do about them, the pages linked above have "Action Steps" sections which suggest that in some cases it would be appropriate to change the status back to "confident". However I do have a slight concern about those sections, as they don't seem to allow for the situation when not all the testers involved in the confirmation are WikiTree members (specifically the bullet point that says to change the status back to "confident" if "Only one DNA test is displayed in the 'DNA tested’ section.")

by Paul Masini G2G6 Pilot (463k points)
selected by Matthew Sullivan
Aha, yes, thank you Paul.

I was having half a thought that maybe we could have EditBot (or whatever) auto update those profiles to remove the 'confirmed with DNA' indicator, but the more I think about it I guess that would not be prudent.

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