Perfect. This is exactly what I need. The first record in the FamilySearch results allowed me to link to the original church book, and I found the connection after five minutes (Film # 102154999, frame 9):
"Den 18ten Januar (1746) liessen sich ehlich kopulieren Johann Georg Langenstein, Bekerhandwerker, [ehlicher, lediger Sohn des] Johann Georg Langenstein, Bürgers zu Gross-Glattbach, württembergischer Jurisdiction im Maulbronner Amt [...], mit Anna Regina, weyl. Georg Michael Wülssers, Bekers allhie hinterlassene Wittib."
Translation: "18 Jan 1746: Marriage of Johann Georg Langenstein, baker, son of Johann Georg Langenstein, citizen of Gross-Glattbach, Maulbronn, Württemberg, and Anna Regina, widow of the late Georg Michael Wülsser, baker [in Münzesheim]."
This establishes the connection; the rest is gravy. Thanks so much for this!