Reyndert Jans,- ancestor on Kalksma paternal line. Missing date of birth, parents, place of birth.

+4 votes
There is a family tree on Genealogy Online with this profile, married to Trientie Romkes; there is a source for the marriage on their site but no information on the birth of Reyndert. As he is the first (or last found) of the family line I am looking for more sources to corroborate, the date for his son Jan Reinders' (who I also created) birth estimate is incorrect, as it is after Reyndert's death by a long way. I am going to try to find the source for his son's birth and correct that soon. Is his profile already on Wikitree under last name Jans? Can you suggest where to look for his birth date and sources?

Kind regards

Deborah Kalksma Marxsen
WikiTree profile: Reindert Jans
in Genealogy Help by Deborah Marxsen G2G Crew (400 points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

3 Answers

+3 votes
Hi Deborah,

The only right date in your profile is the marriage of Reiner Jansen, living near Franeker, Friesland, The Netherlands, who married in Franeker 7 April 1712 with Trijntie Romkes, also living near Franeker. You find this record on the website Four of their children were baptized in the catholic church of Franeker (son Romken/Romannus 6 August 1721, daughter Sipk 6 september 1723 and another Sipk/Cipriana 16 February 1726 and daughter Jancke 13 December 1729. There are no catholic baptism records of Franeker before 1719, so you won't find a son Jan.

Reiner/Reinder/Reyndert Jans(en) never used the surname Kalksma. His descendants started using this surname after people had to take a surname in the Netherlands in 1811. Before 1811 many people in the province of Friesland used patronymics.

Reyndert Jans can't be born about 1750 and he didn't pass away about 1820 because he married in 1712. He's probably mentioned in the census (volkstelling) 1744, living in the Uitburen in Franeker. He probably passed away before 1749 because the widow of Reinder Jans, who was a worker, is mentioned in the Quotisatiekohieren of Franeker in 1749, still living in the Uitburen in Franeker.

Not all sources are on the website, so I don't know if there is more information about this family in Tresoar, the Archives of the province of Fryslân, The Netherlands.
by Tineke Slof G2G6 Mach 4 (44.9k points)
edited by Tineke Slof
+4 votes

Hi Deborah,

Thanks for asking help...yes

The paternal line is false in the way that generations are missing. So I started to correct the line from a younger generation of which the sources are reliable: [[Kalksma-19|Willem Kalksma (1845-abt.1915)]]. 

Now I'm at the point of breaking the relation between Kalksma-27 and the father of Kalksma-25. And add the missing generations. Mind me doing this, its my speciality - the Frisians before 1811. 

by Minke Wagenaar G2G6 Mach 2 (26.7k points)
Shall we just find another purpose for Kalksma-26 and -27 and Romkes-165?. I guess these are just as good as rubbish now.
Wait! I'm moving and solving...
nicely done!
Three more merges and then the family line is correct.
+2 votes
My apologies for addressing the whole family lineage in response to your question about date of birth and sources. In my opinion, that was a better way than a written story about what was wrong.

When you check the sources I added, you will see that provides many sources. Thanks to an algorithm on spelling variants of names, this site offers you many more sources than on I can also endorse what Tineke Slof writes.

Perhaps unnecessarily: a private family tree is not a source. That too has now been resolved.
by Minke Wagenaar G2G6 Mach 2 (26.7k points)

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