Do you feel guilty that you are dragging down your usual 'Thon Team, because "everyone else" is doing 300 profiles to your one? (I know I have done.)
Do you even avoid signing up for 'Thons because you just "work so slowly" that you fear YOU will be the reason they fail to come in the top five? (I've felt this way, too.)
Do you want to participate, but avoid doing so for the above (or any other) reasons, and then live vicariously by hitting refresh on g2g to see what everyone else is doing?
Then WELCOME to the Toddlin' Tortoises Team — where we don't care if you are slow because you are thoroughly adding as much information as you can find – and verifying it all. We are committed to a "whole profile approach" ideal — where we don't just add a source to satisfy requirements and think "I'll come back later and fill the rest in" (because we almost never do — due to rabbits and squirrels and shiny things).
Our Team's commitment is to make each profile as "complete" as we can do at the time of creation (because no profile is ever truly "complete").
We don't care if the best you can do is a single profile. If that's all you can manage, then that is your best!

If you haven't already registered for 2023s April Connect-a-Thon (starting 8am on the 21st and ending 8am on the 24th (United States Eastern time)), then this other thread is where you do that. Be sure to click the Answer this post "button" and say which Team you'd like to join.
If you'd like to be a part of this Team, just say you want to play with Hertyl and Spertyl, or "I'd like to be a Tortoise", or "I want to Toddle along", or anything else that will identify the Tortoises Team as the one you wish to join.
Do be sure to click that large answer button, and not the comment link, as that won't count – and don't reply to someone else's answer, or comment, as neither of those count, either.
You can even ensure I get your name on the Team's Member list by returning here and posting to let me know!
Check the Toddlin' Tortoises Team's main page for Team info, my silly images, and maybe more (if I think of anything, or you do). You could also add what you plan to be working on, and any resources, or hints, that you think will be helpful to others, for this 'Thon to your name once I've added it to our member list — or feel free to add it yourself!
Want to see how the Team is doing so far? Are we still in last place? Are you a Hare among the Tortoises? Check here to see how we are doing.
If you have questions, comments, suggestions, or just want to "touch base" as you plod along, feel free to answer this post — or just post a comment, if that's your thing.
➢ There is also a Toddlin Totrtoises channel on Discord.
➢➢➢ Note: If you are new to Discord and are taken to the registration screen, continue with the registration process and get signed into your account, then return here and click the link again.

Remember — the goal is to HAVE FUN while enhancing the overall growth and health of the Tree.
It doesn't matter if we come last.
In fact, if we DO come last, we'll have made every other Team look good! (Who could ask for more?!)
(I think I got all my links correct!)