Welcome to the Irish Seanchaithe chat page for the April 2023 Connect-a-Thon!

+8 votes

Welcome to the Irish Seanchaithe chat page for the April 2023 Connect-a-Thon (Friday, April 21 at 8am EDT (12 pm UTC) through Monday, April 24 at 8am EDT (12 pm UTC)!

If you are joining us, you’ll need to pre-register at the main registration page on G2G.

Please visit our team page for more information and to let us know what you will be working on.

Be sure to check out the Connect-a-Thon tutorial. Scoring for this event is tracked automatically, there is no need to click on a challenge-tracking button. It is fantastic if you are able to make a connection, but even without one, every missing sibling, parent, child, etc. that you can add is worth one point. These profiles cannot be of a living person. 

On this G2G page please feel free to start a conversation or ask questions.

Good luck everyone!

Jen and Feargal

WikiTree profile: Space:Team_Irish_Seanchaithe
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Jen Hutton G2G6 Mach 8 (87.0k points)

5 Answers

+7 votes

Hello Irish Seanchaithe team-members,

I am introducing myself here because I do not use Discord.

My goal for the Connect-a-thon is 150 profiles because I want it to be one of my challenges for the 15-for-15 Mission badge smiley

 I've done some preparation work, and made a list of the 150 people I hope to add in the 3 days, and exactly where to find their sources, etc.... Some of them will add to my own CC7 number. But also I am focusing on the townland of Sporthouse for my One Place study there. I have the census records for that townland as a primary source for all the people there in 1901 and 1911, and have already added a profile of one person from each family so that all the others I add will count during the 'Thon.

You will see how I am getting on when we roll into action next week!

Would love to hear where others are planning to work during the few days. 

I wish you all lots of luck and fun!! 

by Fionnuala O'Connor G2G6 Mach 2 (27.5k points)
Hi Fionnuala! Welcome to the Seanchaithe. It sounds like you are going to set a stiff pace for us all to keep up with! That's great!

I might be too optimistic... we will see how it goes wink

I managed to complete my 150 added to my CC7 just this week… it’s been a nice gradual increase…

As for what I might work on… I’m not sure …. Probably connecting some of my unconnected list…
+7 votes
A huge welcome to all our newest team members!

Please remember that the Seanchaithe's motto is 'quality not quantity'. Be sure that every profile you create has at least one reliable source: do not use a link to any ancestry family trees, findagrave, Familysearch person profiles, or any other user-generated trees. Also be sure to include either a birth or death date, even if it is just an estimate, and a location (even just a country is better than no location at all).

If you would like to be able to access the team's discord channel during the thon, but are not an Ireland Project member, please let either Feargal or myself know and we will send you an invitation to temporarily join the project's discord server. If you have no interest in discord, not to worry! You can post comments and questions right here in this G2G thread.

May the wind be at your back all weekend long!

by Jen Hutton G2G6 Mach 8 (87.0k points)
+7 votes
You guys are doing a fantastic job...over 200 profiles added aready!!! Go Seanchaithe!
by Jen Hutton G2G6 Mach 8 (87.0k points)

Not too bad for the first lap... have to quit now for the night, more tomorrow smiley

+7 votes
Don't forget to remove any maintenance categories that no longer apply when you have finished adding profiles: i.e. delete the category 'needs profiles created.'
by Jen Hutton G2G6 Mach 8 (87.0k points)
+6 votes
Hello Irish Seanchaithe,

This is my first Connect-a-thon.  With limited knowledge I decided to join in and am learning via the hands-on experience.  I have been able to make a few connections here and there.  I have a couple of questions.  I have 6 unconnected profiles on my watchlist.  5 are listed as having 63 connections and one is listed as having 0 connections.  How are the 5 with 63 connections "unconnected"?  Also, how does one profile have 0 connections when she is part of a family with parents and siblings who also have profiles?  


Tim (May-14298)
by Timothy May G2G6 (8.1k points)
Hello! For your first question they are connected to each other but those profiles are not connected to the main tree. My unconnected list is huge… I did start working on them for this Connectathon but I was getting frustrated with several profiles so I’ve moved onto adding profiles to others living nearby and hoping I hit the jackpot and find the person to link to those profiles.

Your second question - I can’t think how someone would have 0 connections when they are linked to their parents profile, you might need to give the ID of that profile for others to look at.

Anyway… glad you are having fun!
Timothy, I know it is counter-intuitive but in this thon you don't actually score points by connecting two existing profiles. You score points just by *creating* profiles that can be added to existing profiles. The theory is that, the more profiles that are added, the easier it will be to eventually find connections. So every sibling, spouse, child or parents that you can add to an existing profile will earn a point. And that is actually much easier than trying to find connections, as it sounds like you've been doing. You've been working too hard!
Thanks for the help!  I notice that the one person with 0 connections now has 5 connections.  Also, my unconnected list has grown.  Plenty to work with.
Thanks, this clarifies things.  I think I see what's going on and now am actually creating some profiles!

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