A huge welcome to all our newest team members!
Please remember that the Seanchaithe's motto is 'quality not quantity'. Be sure that every profile you create has at least one reliable source: do not use a link to any ancestry family trees, findagrave, Familysearch person profiles, or any other user-generated trees. Also be sure to include either a birth or death date, even if it is just an estimate, and a location (even just a country is better than no location at all).
If you would like to be able to access the team's discord channel during the thon, but are not an Ireland Project member, please let either Feargal or myself know and we will send you an invitation to temporarily join the project's discord server. If you have no interest in discord, not to worry! You can post comments and questions right here in this G2G thread.
May the wind be at your back all weekend long!