Happy 10th Anniversary to the Mayflower Project and its founding members! For 10 straight years our dedicated members have been working to make this project an amazing portrayal of those who sailed the Atlantic in 1620 to found Plymouth Colony. The early success of this project continues, and we thank all our members for their valuable contributions to these special ancestors in early New England. Long may it continue and happy, rewarding sailing to all our members!
In March 2013 these members recieved the first badges:
Thank you all for your continued support!
Happy 10th Anniversary to the Mayflower Project and congrats on all you've accomplished!
Thank you to all members of the Mayflower Project! When genealogy is discussed, people often want to know if they are related to a Mayflower passenger, and your hard work has made it so easy for the rest of us to just hit a button and see our connections to them!
Congratulations!!! Thank You to the group for your amazing effort in getting the Mayflower Project going. Many of us have made connections to the early Mayflower passengers because of your efforts. And we have learned so much about our past because you started this project. Thanks.