Birth/Baptism Record in Ukraine

+3 votes


I am working on a friend's genealogy and her mother's family comes from the Ukraine.

I found this birth/baptism record and I was hoping that someone could translate it for me. I have attached a picture of it on her Wikitree page. I've been advised that it is written in Latin.

Any help gratefully appreciated.

Thank you, Wendy Jones heart smiley

WikiTree profile: Paulina Dutkiewicz
in Genealogy Help by Wendy Jones G2G6 Mach 2 (23.1k points)
edited by Wendy Jones

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

Birth 12 Feb. 1895
Baptism 19 Feb. 1895
28 (I think it's the house no, unfortunately there are no column headings)

Obeta(must be: Obstetrix - Midwife): Ahophia Dunczyk
Bapt.(ista = baptized from): Joannes Majkul coop.(erator)


Mater (mother): Maria Hoszowska,
vidua post (widow from) Antonium (Anton) fi-
lia (daughter from) Martini Borkowski et (and)
Mariae Wyszynska

Protasius Mar-
tinieck, agr(icola = farmer)
Talianna Sto-
bodzian, uxor agr. (farmers wife)

The last two persons should be the godparents
by Monika B. G2G6 Mach 1 (12.7k points)
selected by Wendy Jones

Hi Monika!

Here is the link to the full page, with headers.

My friend (who I'm doing the research for) has the complete page with the column headings crying . I gave it to her yesterday. I will send her an email and get her to copy it back to me and change the picture on Wikitree.

illegitimi must mean illegitimate (so after Anton, the husband, had passed away?)

But Maria was originally married to Antonium Hoszowski/a and her parents were Martini Borkowski and Mariae Syszynska.

Just trying to get this into my brain. Thank you ever so much for the informaiton. Clearer page coming.

Wendy :)

Hi Wendy,

Maria was Anton's widow and daugther of Martin and Maria. That is true and is written there.

Wyszynska and Syszynska sounds verry similar. So I think that the writer may have had a hearing error or did not know the correct spelling.

But why is the child illegitimate? Maybe Anton died more than 9 months ago? Or was it normal for them to classify it as illegitimate if a child was born after the father's death?Because the woman was then no longer married?

Is it known when Anton died? If not, then your friend should look for the death record.

And I was right that 28 is the number of the house and the last two names are the godparents


Hi Monika,

Well, I'm the one who does the genealogy, my friend doesn't know anything more than Pauline was her grandmother and Nicholas was her grandfather. So, at least I can add the father and mother to Maria and put both Wyszynska and Syszynska could be the last name. 

Interesting about Anton's death. I will see if I can get into that site again and find Anton. And other possible information, as well.

Thank you so much for working through this with me. 

Wendy Jones kiss

+2 votes
That's in latin, you may want to tag your post with that.
by R Pardieck G2G6 Mach 1 (12.6k points)

Thank you have reposted and retagged.

Wendy yes

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