Charles Briggs “A finely dressed young man” c. 1880? Apponaug, Rhode Island

+6 votes

Hi Wikitreers

Today we have a CDV of Charles Briggs wearing a bow tie and maybe a pocket watch in jacket in my album. The right ear a birth mark maybe? I doubt wore ear ring? The year the photo was taken is likely the 19th century. We need collaboration in finding more about him but information is limited to this surviving vintage photo. It appears from the back side of photo it was taken at Aylsworth’s Photograph Studio in Apponaug, Rhode Island. 

Any collaboration is appreciated in determining approximate year of image and if a Charles Briggs lived in the Apponaug, R.I  area during that era. What age does he appear to be in photo? No facial hair or beard so younger years?

Thank you 

This memorial has same locations but a civil war veteran maybe?

Possible but would need more research another photo to match or direct family that recognize his features. This memorial is of a Charles Briggs mother is from Ct. Occupation: Chauffeur

WikiTree profile: Charles Briggs
in Genealogy Help by Andrew Simpier G2G6 Pilot (832k points)
edited by Andrew Simpier

1 Answer

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All I have is really more guesswork.  On I found for photographers: J. Aylesworth (sometimes spelled Alesworth) of Apponaug & Warwick.  J.H. Aylesworth of Rocky Point & Apponaug (appears to be 1875-1877) who had a traveling photo gallery in the 1860s.  Aylesworth & Loomis of Rocky Point (probably G. T Loomis).  And, finally, Aylesworth & Butman of New Berlin, NY.  It is not known if this is the same Aylesworth.  Aylesworth's first name may be John.  That he had a traveling photo gallery could expand the area that Charles Briggs might be located.  My guess was that the photo is from this time period based on similar photos I've seen from that time period (as I am definitely not an expert in this area).  He also appears to me to be about 12 years of age, give or take a couple of years.  BUT, that's all just guesswork.  There were a number of people, it appears, of the name Charles Briggs in Rhode Island at the time.  Again, nothing more than a guess but I would think this Charles was possibly born in the late 1850s.  CDVs were apparently very popular in the 1860s.
by Jennifer Campbell G2G6 (7.0k points)
selected by Andrew Simpier
Thank you just reading this now very very informative and helps place the time frame which might make a difference between a possible civil war veteran and someone who didn’t serve in the war. The CDV photos are such a treasure but so many have no identifying info and are forever lost to time unless AI and facial recognition can uncover their mystery best case scenario a family descendants recognizes the features and name maybe identify with another image in their collection

I found someone who seems a likely candidate.  Charles Briggs He and father both named Charles and father said to be born in Apponaug.  Also found the photographer (pretty sure, anyway) in the 1880 Census for Warwick, Kent, Rhode Island and his name was John Hiram Aylesworth, b. abt. 1827 and died 23 MAR 1911.  His wife was Lucina J. Aylesworth.

Intriguing! The same location same name so very very possible. Good find! yes I wonder if he had children non listed on his memorial. The era would seem to match same years for Briggs as Aylesworth the photographer. It’s difficult to determine his approximate age in photo maybe early 20’s ? Charles Briggs in image Seems studious not the rugged type of gentlemen 

The Charles Briggs who Jennifer identified has a FamilySearch profile:
I think he's just a child in that photo.  Looks about 12 to me.  There were a lot of Charles Briggs in the area in that time frame but I thought he looked the most likely.

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