New here! Wanting to help and learn. Surname: HATHAWAY

+9 votes

I am new to WikiTree. Found the recommendation off of good ole' Facebook.

I have been researching the surname Hathaway for YEARS. I have the "Hathaway's of America" books and have highlighted, written, and sticky noted it to death! If anyone needs help researching a line or just an individual but doesn't have a book, or if you DO have a book and still need an extra pair of eyes, PLEASE let me help you. I love it!

I'm willing to learn and help with other things also!

Genealogy has been my passion for over 35 years.


~L Hathaway
in The Tree House by Lisa Hathaway G2G1 (1.9k points)
retagged by Lisa Hathaway
Tip: If you edit your question and add the tag "Hathaway" in the tags field it will show up in the G2G feed of anyone who is following that tag.
Welcome! You have found the right place. Play around w the site, ask questions  and you are guaranteed to find something of interest.

2 Answers

+7 votes
I added 6 more connections so now you have 7 connections and hope others can help you add more.
by Doug Tabor G2G6 Pilot (112k points)
Thank You!

I did notice though that (Aunt) Emma has the wrong middle name. It should be Emma Hazel HATHAWAY.

I was excited to see the connection there. I have tons of information on Family Search. My tree goes way back, but ppl mess with it and it frustrates me  =)

If you are talking about Pearson-16469 you might want to have Find-A-Grave fix the name, see link below.

I saw the name Emma on because they have it as Howard Pearson married Robert Theodore Pine.

Adopt the profiles and add Family Search as a source and fix any errors needed.
+5 votes
Hello from another Hathaway researcher. I have only been doing this for a year or so. I have been able to tap into existing Hathaway information, and thus have a pretty long family history. My specific branch gets a little spotty after great-great-great grandfather Edwin Hathaway 962 in Illinois, but I have many leads to pursue.
by Edward Hathaway G2G1 (1.2k points)
Mine runs through Jeremiah Smith(810) through Herkimer Co., New York. I have multiple areas to digest also. It is time consuming. But while researching 5 different websites at one time comparing information, I found a baby that wasn't listed in a family. Someone had attached the death certificate of  "the mom"  to the baby. So that was very gratifying. It's things like that and reading the newspaper clippings that keeps me addicted to this.  =)

So, if you ever need help, please reach out.


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