Is there a connection between John Gillum 1742-1809 of VA, and ancestors in England?

+2 votes
It is commonly thought in my Gillum/Gilliam family that we were originally from Normandy, France, when the clan's name was "Guillaume."  Then, perhaps at the time of the Norman Conquest, we migrated to England.  Centuries passed for us in England, then members of my clan eventually migrated to the New World.   To date, we cannot find this link leading to my 4th-great-grandfather John Gillum, born 1742 Hanover County, VA, died 1809 Albemarle County, VA.
WikiTree profile: Larry Gillum
in Genealogy Help by Larry Gillum G2G Rookie (190 points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
Larry, you have not included a link to John Gillum and your family tree is not attached to your profile so a little difficult to look into. I'm curious if there is any relation to Thomas Gillham-116 (abt.1710-abt.1785) who married Margaret Campbell and lived in the Calfpasture of Augusta County, VA?

2 Answers

0 votes

Good Afternoon. I have found many sur names of from England to  VA in my family tree. I am on with the best guess of hints  Ive been given stemming from 1594 in Twickingham, Wales, England. Dont know if I can help..but maybe theres a connection?

Gilham (Gilliam Guilham Gillam)

by Kim Roberts G2G Crew (570 points)
+1 vote
My ancestor, John Gillum (various spellings) left a will dated 24 Feb 1808, proved 5 Oct 1812 in Albemarle County, VA.  His children, possibly by Elizabeth Bennett, married about 1755, were Alice Gillum, if Alice marries and dies without issue, her negroes go to brother and sisters, except 1/7 part to the heirs of Bennett Gillum dec'd.; Fanny Rogers, John Gillum, Elizabeth Ogles[by]; Pleasant Gillum; heirs of Bennett Gillum; two sons, John Gillum Jr. and James Gillum Executors.  No widow was mentioned.

Is this John Gillum Sr. the same person as your John Gillum?
by Margaret Kerns G2G6 Mach 2 (21.1k points)

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