Team Missouri (Missouri Cousins) April 2023 Connect-a-thon chat [closed]

+12 votes
Where's my "Show me" state folks at?!

Thank you for volunteering to help and for joining our team. This post will create a thread where we can work together to coordinate our efforts. This is the place for the team to ask questions, give advice, see updates, and cheer each other on.

As a reminder, these are the states we cover: Missouri (of course!), Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. Of course, if your connections lead you elsewhere, you can certainly follow that trail!

WikiTree profile: Space:Team_Missouri
closed with the note: Event over
in The Tree House by Lori Zukerman G2G6 Pilot (165k points)
closed by Lori Zukerman

4 Answers

+11 votes
I would like to join Team Missouri. Much of my surname research is are the states mentioned.
by Emilie Muramoto G2G1 (1.7k points)
I've got you added! If you have any questions, now would be a great time to ask them.
+7 votes

This popped up in one of the IL county genealogy facebook pages I belong to:

Illinois Death Index 1951-1971

Shows as NEW on the I Secretary of State Databases page.

by Vik-Thor Rose G2G6 Mach 3 (39.1k points)
Cool! Thanks for posing that. If I can remember, I'll add the link to the Team MO page after the thon.
Useful source! Thanks!
You've already got the Databases - Illinois State Archives link on there. This Death index is on that list. Just seems to be fairly new... (and I've got several ancestors who should be in the index...)
+6 votes
Thank you all for the great job you did adding profiles this weekend! And a special thank you to LaMyra for taking the top spot. Love the effort!!!

Hoping we have something different soon. Frankly, I'm getting burned out on Connect-a-thons hence my lack of effort this time.
by Lori Zukerman G2G6 Pilot (165k points)
+4 votes
I would like to join Team Missouri.  I have ties to Missouri to the 1780's.

Laurie Angel
by Laurie Angel G2G6 Mach 1 (18.5k points)
Sorry but you missed the event. Maybe you could join us for the next one?
Know I missed the event.  Guess the team does not exist otherwise?
No, it doesn't. However there is a project page that one of our team member runs. Maybe that's what you're looking for?

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