Suggestion for WikiTree Family News email

+2 votes
Could you put the 'This week's "Featured Connections for

[wiki-#]" are from ...' blurb right above the list of featured


I like to take a quick screenshot of the list to send to

relatives.  But the list by itself has no context.  Most days,

the blurb is one or two blurbs above the list and can be

included in the screenshot.  Today it is at the top. :(


[Btw, I was not able to copy/paste my comment here.  Lines

overwrote lines.  Same with typing straight in.  Had to hit

enter to go down a line to continue typing.  Might be a

glitch with Opera.]
in WikiTree Tech by Susan Herrera G2G1 (1.2k points)
edited by Ellen Smith

For the benefit of anyone who finds it hard to read, Susan wrote:

Could you put the 'This week's "Featured Connections for [wiki-#]" are from ...' blurb right above the list of featured connections?

I like to take a quick screenshot of the list to send to  relatives.  But the list by itself has no context.  Most days, the blurb is one or two blurbs above the list and can be included in the screenshot.  Today it is at the top. :(


[Btw, I was not able to copy/paste my comment here.  Lines overwrote lines.  Same with typing straight in.  Had to hit enter to go down a line to continue typing.  Might be a glitch with Opera.]

Not sure what is wrong here.  Programming is not dropping down a line for continued typing.

This is what I wrote!:

Could you put the ‘This week's "Featured Connections for [wiki-#]" are from …’ blurb right above the list of the featured connections?

I like to take a quick screenshot of the list to send to relatives. But the list by itself has no context. Most days, the blurb is one or two blurbs above the list and can be included in the screenshot. Today it is at the top.(

p { line-height: 115%; margin-bottom: 0.1in; background: transparent }

Thanks, Jim! Any idea what the problem was?
I don't know sorry Susan. I've never seen this particular misbehaviour before. Weird things can happen if you paste HTML into G2G. In general it's safer to paste plain text from a simple editor like Windows Notepad.
I changed the "format" on the message to Normal (I couldn't tell what it was previously) and I changed the font from Arial to Default. That made the message readable, but it's clear that there is a great deal of invisible formatting embedded in it.

1 Answer

+2 votes
I first copied the text from the gmail email I sent to Wikitree.  That might have started the whole problem.

The responder to that email recommended that I put the suggestion in G2G.  As long as the right Wiki-tech who writes the Family News emails see this and agrees, everything is good.  Well, about this issue.  We will not go into the state of the . . .
by Susan Herrera G2G1 (1.2k points)

It helps if you select all the text you've pasted into G2G, then click the icon Tx in the tool bar. This can convert HTML to G2G's default format.

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