Contact for this site? I have a genealogical records part of the Swiss Canton Vaud Archives.

+3 votes
Please provide contact details as I have pre 1500 information that can be validated, a genealogy that has been compiled from original records over a period of several hundred years, and is deposited in cantonal archives in Switzerland. I do not understand the somewhat cryptic rules imposed for pre 1500 information. I presume the site is interested in properly verified, recorded and archived genealogical records.
in WikiTree Help by Nya Murray G2G Crew (650 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi Nya and welcome to WikiTree!

WikiTree has some pretty strict standards for Pre-1500 profiles. This because the further you go back in time, the more connections these individuals will share to the global tree, more members who can descend from them, and therefor more potential for conflicts. There is also a tons of unreliable information on the internet regarding pre-1500 genealogy, so we try minimize that as much as possible.

However, that doesn't mean you can't work pre-1500 genealogy! One of the requirements of Pre-1500 certification is to work with a Project. This often involves making reliable and verified contributions to Pre-1700 profiles to demonstrate an understanding of the principles behind the Honor Code, sourcing, collaboration, and high-conflict areas in genealogy.

So I would suggest starting out with a Project that covers your area of interest, like Project:Switzerland. You could also collaborate with Project:Medieval, who focus on Pre-1500 profiles.

You can also do some Pre-1500 work without certification, to at least help you get used to the site and how we work collaboratively. It's all good practice!

by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (811k points)
Thanks for your explanation.  However this work was done as a project over a period of 200 years, with collaboration from at least 50 people.   If you have nothing else to offer, it is a pity, but I cannot help you fill the stated objectives of this site to provide an accurate global genealogical record. I therefore am blocked by your rules and regulations from providing you with records that were verified by researchers in the 1970s in Switzerland, Australia, Ukraine, Russia, France and Belgium.  It appears that this site is in fact tied to an unpublished and unclear methodology.  I certainly do not wish to engage in arbitrary processes, the purpose and intent of which are inobvious.

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