Updating ancestors.

+2 votes
I am getting frustrated.  I know they want one big tree but good grief I can't get my tree done on here cause someone else had 1 person first... so I have wasted so much time today trying to add my ancestors but everything is blocked on my family!  Can't update my own people.  What kind of BS is that?  I've been doing this going on 30 years.  Do I HAVE to connect to the others?  Can't I just input my family.  Have lots of info and photos but can't move... I'm in a straight jacket unless I get permission.  Now I remember why I quit using wikitree years ago.  Just trying to get my voice heard by the powers that be.  I may need to disconnect and restart and do my own thing.
in The Tree House by Diana Holland G2G Rookie (190 points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

I think this issue is not that you are blocked, but what can be done at your membership level:

Family Member benefits and limitations 

With a Family Member account you can enjoy the fruits of our tree without helping to grow it. Many people are interested in their family history but are not genealogists. Many genealogists are not sure they're interested or able to contribute much to our collaborative tree.

  • Family Members are invited to create and improve profiles for living and recently-deceased family members. (All profiles, regardless of who creates them, are part of our collaborative single family tree and subject to our community's policies, including those summarized in the Honor Code.) We hope Family Members will:
    • help us fill in the blanks of modern family history ...
    • add personal memories ...
    • upload family photos ...
The solution is to upgrade your membership. See https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Membership#Family_Members
Thank y'all!!!  I was so frustrated that I couldn't input anything.  I followed your advice and I'm up and running!

3 Answers

+6 votes
The idea behind WikiTree is to have one global tree that belongs to everyone with only one profile per person (unless adopted which is a special circumstance) so, yes, you should be connecting to any existing profiles of people from your family tree. If you cannot make the connection to an existing profile because the profile is locked, I can think of two possible courses of action: 1) Message the PM saying that you want to be added to the trusted list where you will have access to the profile (best solution), or 2) Create a new profile for the locked profile, add relatives to that profile, then propose a merge of your new profile and the locked one.

I hope this helps.
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (511k points)
+12 votes
Hi Diana, it looks like your account is at the Family Member level, if you upgrade to Wiki Genealogist by signing the Honor Code you don't have to be on the trusted list to edit open profiles. But of course, communication, when you do, is helpful.

If you go down to #3 on this list you can see the steps of membership.

by Dina Grozev G2G6 Pilot (217k points)
+9 votes
Diana, go to your profile page

https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Holland-6073  and click on Connections, that will take you to this page


That page has the names and WikiTree ID's for 607 people that are already entered on WikiTree and are connected to you either directly, they could be several generations of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and  cousins or they could be in laws of many sorts, they are connected to you by marriage, such as spouses of various generations of aunts and uncles, cousins.

It probably isn't a complete list, on your own profile you can click on ancestors and will see several generations of direct ancestors that already have profiles. after you upgrade to Wiki Genealogist by signing the Honor Code you will be able to edit any open profiles, you can add photographs and information to those profiles

You will be able to contact the people who created those profiles and find out how you are connected to them either directly or by marriage.

It is one of the best parts of WT, finding other people who share ancestors with you.

We do not create duplicate profiles on WT.

If you need more information, please ask
by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (940k points)

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