I wonder if anyone can find bevolkingsregister for this VEENEMAN family after 1850? I have seen other people's work that suggests Jan Veeneman (born 16-Jun-1826) went to USA, but I can find no USA documents that mention his birth or parents. I believe this connection was made based only on birth date found on Find-A-Grave memorial 132501697. I'm wondering if we can prove that Jan (and perhaps other siblings) left the Netherlands? I also could not find any Dutch records to prove this person stayed in Netherlands and did NOT go to USA. EDIT: I searched film 465817 (Bevolkingsregister Lichtenvoorde 1850-1890) and did not find this family.
@Koen: I searched film 465817 (1313 images) and did not find this Veeneman family. Today I had another idea. On film 465814 image 29 we see the family living in "Wijk A #17"; so I thought I would check film 465817 for this house number. Image 21 shows Stevenborg family moving from A13 to A17. Image 28 shows Holweg family moving from A17 to B176e. How can the Veeneman family simply disappear?
Looks like the group traveled on the ship Rose Standish. Jan Venneman (shoemaker -schoenmaker) on line 106, with Jan Derk Holweg on next line.
"New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1891," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 21 May 2014), 105 - 15 Sep 1851-30 Sep 1851 > image 287 of 771; citing NARA microfilm publication M237 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.).