Welcome to US Black Heritage Project's weekend sprint!
The weekend is over. Thank you for your hard work!
Goal: To work together to add family members to our lonely single profiles.
- Answer below that you would like to participate.
- Go to the category called Family Tree Size One and choose a person to add family to. If it's a yellow locked notable, please skip that person unless you are on the USBH Notables Team.
- Research that person and add as many family members as you'd like to. Please don't forget sources! And you can add maintenance categories for others to continue working on the profiles.
- Add {{African-American Sticker}} to any profiles with Black heritage.
- Remove the Family Tree Size One category from the profile.
- We will not be tracking individual scores, but you can keep track of your own contributions and comment on your post at the end of the weekend just for fun.
Every new profile added helps us create connections.
Before: 1022 people need family added
After: 900 people. Amazing!