I'm afraid I can't help with that, Peter; there are a lot of conditional criteria in there. 
But the real point is that the TiP report, since February 2023, no longer works the way it's described on the WT Help page. It's now a static chart--it doesn't change from match to match--and there are no parameters that can be set (i.e., number of generations for which to display a value...in fact, there are no longer generational estimates displayed at all, only a 95% CI range and a median year) and no percentages are shown for probability weighting.
All the TiP report does now is display the same chart for each instance, but with the appropriate timeframe highlighted based on the number of STRs tested and the calculated genetic distance.
Here are two "live" examples I just pulled, both using the 67-marker level of testing (click the images for larger versions). The first is for two men with the same surname who are a genetic distance of 1:

The second example shows men with different surnames and a genetic distance of 7:

I don't know that a different "Confirmed with DNA" citation example using different test kits would help...other than wanting to find one where both kits are in the FTDNA WikiTree Project and who both have WikiTree profiles and who consent to being named for the comparison.
Fundamentally, the issue is that the entire structure of the TiP report changed a year ago and the instructions and example of the Help page for yDNA "Confirmed with DNA" status simply can't be applied as described.
BTW, as an aside, I've always wondered why the WikiTree FTDNA Project doesn't sort kits into genetically similar groups, as do most yDNA projects. Everyone is lumped together in just a handful of headers, essentially just the basal haplogroups. It's sort of impractical for anyone to decipher who matches whom without capturing the entire results chart, plugging it into a spreadsheet application, and trying to sort everything oneself. Why was that approach taken?
Edited: Because I actually went back and reread one of my abysmally worded sentences. I rite gud...