I'm trying to research Volodymyr Markovich Mosyn (1908-1988), a refugee from Ukraine/Russia/Poland (which country depends on where you draw the lines at any given time) via East Prussia, who emigrated from West Germany to Australia in 1950. His first wife and children died during or immediately following WW2, but on the transit ship he is listed with a wife and child whom I suspect to be 'temporary' (i.e. the dates don't add up).
Once they reach Australia, I have found a few records via Trove and BMD in Victoria and NSW - including some naturalizations, some residential records, several deaths including this individual, his father, this 'wife' (who does not seem to have lived with him for long: I've also found her subsequent husband, and potential information on yet another husband), that of a subequent wife (and her sister), and so on. Surprisingly, despite the various spouses listed on gravestones, and changes of surname etc., I found only one single marriage record.
And that's all - there's no substance, i.e. no indication *what* any of these people were doing, be that work, leisure, social groups, or anything else. Maybe the refugees/immigrants kept largely to themselves? It's still surprising to find *nothing*, though. For example, their first host in Australia was Carmody-850 (Herbert Patrick Carmody, 1917-2008) and I was easily able to find numerous mentions of his family, his fishing exploits, and so on.
I have found some of the names at https://russiansinaustralia.info/ ('Russians In Australia'), but this is a Russian-language site and although I emailed them in Russian jointly with English, I received no response - it's quite possible the site/group is no longer active. Maybe finding further records would require locating and asking Orthodox churches, community centres, etc.?
Any hints for how to expand this beyond what I currently have - or actual collaboration on the WikiTree entries, of course - would be appreciated. N.B. there is one 'living' descendant listed, although the last known trace of them is 1960 so that is another mystery I would like to solve. One further note: I know some of the entries I have made are not that well formatted yet, but that's something that can gradually be tidied up.