Patrick, Thank you very much for the Info. & Help. I used to be able to get around & do my own sleuthing, but ill Health is now in the Way! Inoperable detached Retina in my Right Eye, so I don't drive anymore, no Peripheral Vision, I'd be a Menace on the Road! I fell twice in a 5 Year Period, breaking a Hip each Time, so unfortunately I'm basically Wheelchair bound! I can walk a very short Distance. Are in the Northshore Area? There are plenty of Cranneys & Dunneys buried in St. Mary's RC Cemetery in Salem. I grew up in Danvers, right next Door, so I'm very familiar w/Salem. I wish that I could get up there, from What I know Anastasia died in Danvers & I'd like to get a copy of her long Form Death Cert., since I know absolutely Nothing about her? I assume that she was a Spinster?Thanks very much for the Help! Be Well, Jack MacDonald-Hilton.