information on Jane Saul Bird Mccarthy tasmania

+2 votes
I have traced back using my DNA information and discovered that the small % of Chinese showing in my DNA appears to start with Jane, 1844 - 1915 (tentative) it is not evident in ancestors of her husband Cornelius Mccarthy, 1852 - 1903, or his parents and siblings so I have to assume its through her lineage? There was a discussion thread on her but I cant find it now. I cannot confirm her parents were James Bird and Ann Ricketts? Any information to help me get over this block would be appreciated.
in Genealogy Help by L Willis G2G Rookie (190 points)
retagged by L Willis
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1 Answer

+3 votes
G'day L Willis,

According to Jane's death notice in 1915, she was only 53 years old, therefore born about 1862 not 1844 as you have mentioned.

I couldn't find any marriage between Jane ?? and a Cornelius McCarthy and other variant surnames in Tasmania using the Tasmanian Names Index.

There was a marriage in 1877 of a Cornelius McCarthy and Mary Ann Barrett in Launceston. But this Mary Ann died in childbirth in 1878.
by Sue Wyatt G2G6 Mach 3 (37.6k points)
edited by Sue Wyatt
Thanks Sue, yes its a bit of a mystery, the only birth record I could find was this one which was 1844 with Bird as parents, but wasnt convinced it was the correct Jane. Especially as neither James or Ann Rickett show any chinese heritage but every DNA test showing since then with Jane as a family member, has a % of chinese, reducing down each generation it seems. I am at a loss to work out who this Jane was. I havent been able to find marriage info either. Cornelius had a first wife Mary ann Barrett who died in childbirth but I havent been able to find any details about that child, birth or death. I have assumed Jane came after that. I was going to show copy of birth document showing 1844  but cant see how to add it, sorry
There is a Charles Bird marrying a Sarah McCarthy in 1875. This Sarah is daughter of a Cornelius and Margaret McCarthy nee Clancy born in 1853 in Westbury.

At many McCarthy funerals in Northern Tasmania, there are pall bearers by surname of Bird.
Also found this on a Google search
Thanks again Sue, I have found  a few Mccarthy/Bird relationships, Cornelius and Jane Bird as discussed above, Cornelius brother John married a Mary Ann Bird whos parents are also listed as James and Ann (Rickett) Bird and the one you mentioned Charles Bird ( also listed as child of James and Ann Bird) married Sarah McCarthy. The cemetary at Karoola is full of Birds and Mccarthys. I have sighted the headstone of Cornelius which includes his wife Jane, also that of Margaret Clancy Clyde Cornelius jnr, Charles and Sarah's mother and a memorial plaque for the father Cornelius senior who is actually buried in Westbury, so all I know is where Jane rests but nothing more re birth, parents or her marriage.
I have visited the Karoola catholic cemetary as I only live 30 min away and was so surprised how many Mccarthy, Bird, Mckenna and other irish immigrants where buried there..

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