Confirm details of Australian profile

+5 votes
I stumbled across this profile here and have strong indications, this is a Dutchmen who passed away in Australia with his German born wife.

Can someone from the Australian project help to confirm this?
WikiTree profile: Anthonius Koolen
in Genealogy Help by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (363k points)

Name: Anthonius Koolen
Gender: Male
Birth Date: abt 1902
Departure Place: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Arrival Date: 22 Jun 1951
Arrival Place: Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia
Age on Arrival: 49
Vessel: Groote Beer

According to the passenger list, he was accompanied by Johanna Koolen-Strik

Name Johanna Koolen-Strik
Gender Female
Birth Date 1907
Departure Place Amsterdam, Netherlands
Arrival Date 22 Jun 1951
Arrival Place Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia
Age on Arrival 44
Vessel Groote Beer

Also on the passenger list are :

Franciscus A M Koolen Male 1941 Amsterdam, Netherlands 22 Jun1951 Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia 10 Groote Beer
Johanna M A Koolen Female 1943 Amsterdam, Netherlands 22 Jun1951 Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia 8 Groote Beer
Anthonius H M Koolen Male 1945 Amsterdam, Netherlands 22 Jun1951 Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia 6 Groote Beer

I'm thinking those are the children - and the earlier mentioned Johanna Maria Koolen-Van Doorn, who died in Moe in 1984, was a daughter-in-law.  Maybe.

Yes, that is the Antonius I am suspecting he is. Where did you encounter those links?

commented by Michel Vorenhout



Name: Antonius Koolen
Birth Date: 13 aug 1901
Birth Place: Ossendrecht
Father: Franciscus Koolen
Mother: Antonetta Van Den Bergh

(There is also a 3-year-old Andrea Maree Koolen buried in the same cemetery, different plot (Bm06-03).)


Baby Andrea Maree was their grandchild, by way of their second son.

Great! For me the name of the spouse (Koolen-Strik) proves the link to NL and the marriage records.

Fantastic work!

I can't find any Dutch records for a Koolen-van Doorn (marriage, parents).

Name: Leonia Cornelia Mathilda Van Der Poel
Residence Age: 0
Birth Date: 17 sep 1904
Birth Place: Ossendrecht
Residence Year: 1904
Father: Wilhelmus Van Der Poel
Mother: Petronella Dimphena Van De Zande

Name: Leonia Cornelia Mathilda van der Poel
Gender: Vrouwelijk (Female)
Age: 25
Birth Date: abt 1905
Marriage Date: 14 mei 1930 (14 May 1930)
Marriage Place: Ossendrecht
Father: Wilhelmus van der Poel
Mother: Petronella Dimphena van de Zande
Spouse: Antonius Koolen

Name: Leonia Cornelia Mathilda van der Poel
Age: 31
Birth Date: abt 1905
Birth Place: Ossendrecht
Death Date: 8 mrt 1936 (8 Mar 1936)
Death Place: Rotterdam
Father: Wilhelmus van der Poel
Mother: Petronella Dimphena van de Zande

The Koolen-van Doorn marriage is likely one of the sons, and would have been in Victoria.

The parents were Koolen = van den Bergh.
Name: Antonetta van den Bergh
Gender: Vrouwelijk (Female)
Age: 31
Birth Date: abt 1867
Marriage Date: 14 jun 1898
Marriage Place: Ossendrecht
Father: Antonius van den Bergh
Mother: Cornelia Ludovica Hendrickx
Spouse: Franciscus Koolen
Thank you all very very much for this excellent job.

1 Answer

+6 votes
Great work Melanie!
by Veronica Williams G2G6 Pilot (230k points)

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