Adventurers of Purse and Persons

+7 votes

If someone out there has access to this Virginia set of books, could you look up the entry on Jamestowne ancestor Thomas Willoughby?  I am working on a friend's membership and can't access the vols while in Texas....won't be back home until May!!

I'm trying to find some sort of proof that the "Mary" who married William Jennings is actually a Willoughby.  Everybody states that and they did name a son Willoughby Jennings....but with no proof.  I want to see how far down generation-wise Dorman took Thomas Willoughby's lines. Does he mention (and accept) a granddaughter Mary (Willoughby) Jennings?  Her own father's will is missing. (Thomas, Thomas, Mary)

I dread going through the land records looking for some inheritance or whatever if Dorman has already named her in the book.  Thanks in advance. smiley

WikiTree profile: Thomas Willoughby
in Genealogy Help by Robyn Adair G2G6 Mach 2 (20.8k points)

1 Answer

+9 votes
Best answer
Not sure if this is what you are looking for but, per Dorman,

Thomas Willoughby b. abt. 1600 wife Alice

Children Thomas (b. 1632), Elizabeth (b. abt. 1635)

The second Thomas was the father of another Thomas and Elizabeth

The third Thomas married Margaret, their children were

Thomas, Margaret, Sarah, Mary, and Elizabeth

Mary married Moses Robertson in 1732, they had one child a son John.  

The only other Mary Willoughby listed in this family was the daughter of John Willoughby, the son of the fourth Thomas. Although he names spouses for all of Thomas' other children, none is listed for this Mary.
by Kathie Forbes G2G6 Pilot (991k points)
selected by Robyn Adair

DRAT!..The Thomas (1632) "should be" her father - WT has Thomas (1632) marrying twice and having TWO sons named Thomas, and Sarah plus the Mary I'm looking at.  I think these generations are all mixed up.  Sheeeesh....way too much work.  *****sigh*****

Thanks a bunch for looking.  smiley

I believe you'll be able to view the Willoughby chapter at this link (it's currently working for me):|CX4111100050&v=2.1&it=r&sid=bookmark-GENVRL&asid=cfcf3206

Yikes...I'm afraid to ask how "we" bypassed the Houston Library??  I'm thrilled, of course, to see the entire thing.  I will plow through all those citations to see if there is something that might clear up this family and post on WT.  Thanks for that link.

Another source: Martha W. McCartney, Virginia Immigrants and Adventurers, 1607-1635: A Biographical Dictionary (Genealogical Publishing Com: 2007), Google Books. See pp 682-683 for Thomas Willoughby (only p 682 is available in Google Books snippit view, but still has a lot of info - unfortunately, the endnotes are also not included in snippit view - assuming they're included prior to the index, which in snippit view starts with the S's on page 826; pages 768 to 825 "are not shown in this preview", and page 767 is still text).

At least until the court case is settled/enforced, you can check-out Virginia Immigrants and Adventurers, 1607-1635: A Biographical Dictionary  at

Thanks to ALL for these suggestions.  After looking at "stuff" I'm beginning to lean toward Mary Willoughby (assuming that's her name) is NOT the dau of the Thomas she's connected to on WT. (and many other places)

According to the Tidewater book, there is another Willoughby line nearby that is probably related.  All those same names (Thomas, John, William etc) keep cropping up.  On page 316 it talks about these Willoughbys as being a "Southern branch of Elizabeth River."  That Thomas had 3 sons and 6 daughters but they seem to know nothing about them.....or at least they aren't "Tidewater" families being researched for this book.  Six daughters sounds promising!!  Again, thanks for all your help.

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