Is there a project that covers these pre-1700 people?

+3 votes

I want to contribute to the deep genealogy on our shared tree. Here are people I can add, along with dates and locations:

  • Maryland Colonial Families

Here are the sources I am using:

Colonial Families of the USA, 1607-1775,

North America, Family Histories, 1500-2000

U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900

Should I contact one of the pre-1700 projects or know about any style guidelines before proceeding? Thank you!

WikiTree profile: Tracy Scarborough
in Genealogy Help by Tracy Scarborough G2G Rookie (220 points)
Thanks so much for helping to grow WikiTree. Ancestry’s US and International marriage database is a compilation of various sources (including some that are unverified user submissions) of widely varying quality so it’s important to find primary source underlying documentation to corroborate what is found there. Likewise, the North American family history database is a compilation of genealogies of widely varying quality so with each check to see that the information is documented with primary sources—and if it is, it is helpful to cite the primary source used by the author writing the genealogy . The Colonial Families series is helpful but check for later research which sometimes/often corrects errors published in these.
I am working on finding other sources.  I have my Great Aunt's work.  I have been mapping that out the family tree she worked on most of her life.  She listed her sources as the Magna Carta, but I have now learned that there are a number of translated "Magna Carta's"?   She also lists the groups she is/was a member of, and her tree was accepted at the time.  I think I found an issue that breaks her tree, but I have a really difficult time reading and working with text.  I am really glad Ancestry is there because mapping it out has really helped me.   I understand what you are saying, and how to show more sources so I am and have been comparing sources, but some of them are hard to find.  I have found a site where there are a number online so that has been really helpful.   I have been successful at finding family as my father left when I was 4 or so.  I now have that side of the family going back to Ireland and Sweden.  I am waiting to hear back on that Irish connection, but I have yet to hear back.  
Thank you,

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