Hi, Brian
Thank you for being a Guest Member of WikiTree. Check out the Membership info and consider upgrading. WikiTree is always 100% free, and you might find many cousins in WikiTree to help you add profiles to the one-world tree.
At the top of your profile, you see your SURNAME entered. Click the magnifying glass, and you get a list of all SURNAME profiles on WikITree, and you can sort alphabetically or by birth or death dates to see if family members are already on WikiTree. Rinse & repeat for the family names you are researching.
You could download a gedcom from a site or program you have entered your family and upload it to WikiTree for the GEDCOMpare process. This page lists gedcom links for more information: GEDCOM Topic.
I hope this helps, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.
Welcome! We look forward to working with you!