Hi Wikitreers 
“Mae Greenwood and her Mother”
In my “CDV” album and collection from a Ct antique dealer we have what appears to be a mother and daughter. The type on the back is written with some type of stencil that only can be seen better when a light is cast upon it. I might be able to zoom in better of the type but still difficult to enhance I believe it says Mae Greenwood and mother but maybe Mae is Mai ?
Who was Mae Greenwood and her mother? It’s likely they are from Maine. The front of the photo shows a studio in Maine? A “Jackson G Portland Maine”? Needs deciphering. Any history record of this studio?
Any collaboration in their genealogy is appreciated. Maybe you have the surname “Greenwood” in your genealogy
Thank you

Note: Many CDV don’t have any identifying info however this photo does have name and location which could assist in their genealogy. Either way a beautiful vintage photo. The image looks larger than actual size the photo is small. See profile for more detail.