Did Anderson include an entry in the directory for Richard Chadwell and his brother, Thomas Chadwell?

+6 votes

Richard Chadwell
Thomas Chadwell (already PGM)

Richard Chadwell was one of the "ten men of Saugus." (Records of the Colony of New Plymouth, 1:57).
Pope (1900) placed Richard at Saugus, 1636. (p. 91)

Reference--Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Directory: Immigrants to New England, 1620–1640: A Concise Compendium (Boston, Massachusetts : New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2015). 

WikiTree profile: Richard Chadwell
in Genealogy Help by GeneJ X G2G6 Pilot (127k points)

1 Answer

+10 votes
Best answer
Here are the entries (sorry, no page number)

Chadwell, Richard: Unknown; 1636; Lynn, Sandwich [MBCR 1:199; EQC 1:6; PCR 1:57, 107, 8:9; Lechford 371, 403; Gen Adv 4:10; PCPR 4:1:102b].

Chadwell, Thomas: Unknown; 1636; Salem, Lynn, Sandwich, Boston, Charlestown [STR 1:40, 53; EQC 2:270; SPR Case #374; GDMNH 134; Parker-Ruggles 283-86; GM 2:7:553-54; Backus Anc 67-68].
by M Cole G2G6 Pilot (108k points)
selected by GeneJ X
Both are on page 59
Thanks, S!
Thank you. Parameters set.--Gene

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